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Veneer POV:

The ride is silent as Fred rolls through the empty streets. He pulls around a corner, parking the truck in an alley.

Fred: "Ok, I need someone to sit in the driver's seat, ready to go in case alarms go off. I do doubt we'd be confronted with police, but still, we need to be careful. I also need someone to go in with me and the last person to be able to bring the stuff to the truck bed."

Kid Ritz: "How much are you planning on taking?"

Fred: "I was thinking it may be good if we each have a gun. With that logic, we'd need enough ammo so we wouldn't have to worry about running out. I don't think we'd need a ton, maybe a few cartridges."

Kid Ritz: "Ok. Rollie, you feel ok with being our driver?"

Rollie: "Yes."

Kid Ritz: "Ok, then, V? Wanna bring the goods to the bed?"

Ven: "Sure."

We all nod, climbing out of the truck before Fred approaches the doors of an ammunition store.

Ven: "Let me try opening the door."

I focus on the locks, imagining the metal twisting... 


The door opens, Kid Ritz patting my back proudly.

Fred walks in slowly, his gun cocked. He motions with his hand for Kid Ritz and me to follow. 

I've never been in an ammunition store; it's so manly and gross. I look at the different items for sale, admiring the shiny knuckle rings before Fred calls me over.

Fred: "I think the guns are kept in the back. Mind giving the lock a go?"

I nod, walking to a door labeled staff only. I envision it opening, my mind going black as I re-imagine myself on the yacht. I have to start deep breathing, so I don't spiral. At the last second, the door clicks open. 

Fred goes in happily, leaving me in the hallway as Kid Ritz follows. I try to control my breathing, realizing I'm getting close to the threat of a panic attack. Why do I keep freaking out when I use my Siren magic? And why does my mind go back to the dark in the yacht?

I try to collect myself as Kid Ritz pops out of the room, handing me two guns. 

Kid Ritz: "Keep one for yourself, sweetheart. Give the other to Rollie. Fred and I will find the ammo."

I nod, feeling very uncomfortable holding this murder weapon. I head outside, approaching the corner and looking both ways before going to the truck. I find Rollie sitting with his shirt over his mouth, looking scared.

Ven: "Hey babe, are you ok?"

He looks past me, seeming to see something. I look behind me, noticing something trailing in the tree lines behind the buildings on the street. Whatever is crawling across the trees is enormous and looks misshapen. It's too dark to tell what it is, but I know it's not good.

Ven: "Oh... has that been here the whole time?"

Rollie nods, looking very stressed. 

Ven: "Well, Kid Ritz told me to give you this."

I hand him the gun, seeing the stress grow more on his face.

Rollie: "I... don't know how to use this."

Ven: "Girl, neither do I. I mean, I have a basic idea, but I was planning on Kid Ritz giving us a tutorial."

Rollie groans quietly, putting the gun carefully in his lap. 

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