王晰 ~ Rose (玫瑰)

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Song from Only For Love

Elvis Wang: Méiguī huā de shèng fàng dàizhe cì de fēnfāng
Zài xiāoyān zhòng huídàng zhuì rù tiánmì de chīkuáng
Nǐ shì wǒ de bǎozàng xiāoyān zhòng de wàngxiǎng
Kǔsè zhōng dàizhe shāng chénmí yú wēnliáng
玫瑰花的盛放 帶著刺的芬芳
在硝煙中迴盪 墜入甜蜜的癡狂
你是我的寶藏 硝煙中的妄想
苦澀中帶著傷 沉迷於溫良
The blooming roses carry the fragrance of thorns
Echoing in the smoke, falling into sweet madness
You're my treasure, delusions in the smoke
The bitter and hurt, addicted to gentleness

Méiguī zhànfàng xuànlàn de qiáocuì
Méiguī sànfà wéi xūn de mízuì
Méiguī liúlù yǐnhuì de àimèi
Méiguī zuì wéixiǎn yě zuì gāoguì
Méiguī zuì qiánghàn yě zuì róuměi
Méiguī yòng bàzhàn kèxià wúwèi
The rose blooms gorgeously haggard
The rose exudes drunken intoxication
The rose reveals hidden ambiguity
The rose is the most dangerous and noble
The rose is the most powerful and the most beautiful
The rose carves fearlessness with its domination

Méiguī huā de shèng fàng dàizhe cì de fēnfāng
Zài xiāoyān zhòng huídàng zhuì rù tiánmì de chīkuáng
Nǐ shì wǒ de bǎozàng xiāoyān zhòng de wàngxiǎng
Kǔsè zhōng dàizhe shāng chénmí yú wēnliáng
玫瑰花的盛放 帶著刺的芬芳
在硝煙中迴盪 墜入甜蜜的癡狂
你是我的寶藏 硝煙中的妄想
苦澀中帶著傷 沉迷於溫良
The blooming roses carry the fragrance of thorns
Echoing in the smoke, falling into sweet madness
You're my treasure, delusions in the smoke
The bitter and hurt, addicted to gentleness

Méiguī zhànfàng xuànlàn de qiáocuì
Méiguī sànfà wéi xūn de mízuì
Méiguī liúlù yǐnhuì de àimèi
Méiguī zuì wéixiǎn yě zuì gāoguì
Méiguī zuì qiánghàn yě zuì róuměi
Méiguī yòng bàzhàn kèxià wúwèi
The rose blooms gorgeously haggard
The rose exudes drunken intoxication
The rose reveals hidden ambiguity
The rose is the most dangerous and noble
The rose is the most powerful and the most beautiful
The rose carves fearlessness with its domination

Méiguī huā de shèng fàng dàizhe cì de fēnfāng
Zài xiāoyān zhòng huídàng zhuì rù tiánmì de chīkuáng
Nǐ shì wǒ de bǎozàng xiāoyān zhòng de wàngxiǎng
Kǔsè zhōng dàizhe shāng chénmí yú wēnliáng
玫瑰花的盛放 帶著刺的芬芳
在硝煙中迴盪 墜入甜蜜的癡狂
你是我的寶藏 硝煙中的妄想
苦澀中帶著傷 沉迷於溫良
The blooming roses carry the fragrance of thorns
Echoing in the smoke, falling into sweet madness
You're my treasure, delusions in the smoke
The bitter and hurt, addicted to gentleness

Sànfà zuì mírén de huāxiāng zhànfàng xīnzhōng de xīwàng
Zài yíngzhe kuángfēng qù dàngyàng yòng jiāo'ào dàicì de juéjiàng
Jì xià mèngxiǎng de múyàng liú zhù zuì tiánmì de fēnfāng
散發最迷人的花香 綻放心中的希望
再迎著狂風去蕩漾 用驕傲帶刺的倔強
記下夢想的模樣 留住最甜蜜的芬芳
Exude the most charming floral fragrance and bloom the hope in your heart
Then wave against the strong wind with pride and thorny stubbornness
Write down the appearance of your dreams and retain the sweetest fragrance

Méiguī huā de shèng fàng dàizhe cì de fēnfāng
Zài xiāoyān zhòng huídàng zhuì rù tiánmì de chīkuáng
Nǐ shì wǒ de bǎozàng xiāoyān zhòng de wàngxiǎng
Kǔsè zhōng dàizhe shāng chénmí yú wēnliáng
玫瑰花的盛放 帶著刺的芬芳
在硝煙中迴盪 墜入甜蜜的癡狂
你是我的寶藏 硝煙中的妄想
苦澀中帶著傷 沉迷於溫良
The blooming roses carry the fragrance of thorns
Echoing in the smoke, falling into sweet madness
You're my treasure, delusions in the smoke
The bitter and hurt, addicted to gentleness

Kǔsè zhōng dàizhe shāng chénmí yú wēnliáng
苦澀中帶著傷 沉迷於溫良
The bitter and hurt, addicted to gentleness

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