司鸿博 ~ Forget The River (忘川)

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Song from Seal of Love

Si Hong Bo: Qínsè qǐ jìng zhōng rén bùcéng zhí mí
Wèn fēngyuè yīdī lèi yǎnjiǎo méiyǔ
Yúshēng yáowàngzhe nǐ xiāngsī bùkě jì
Xiāngshí yī chǎng mèng bù liú hénjī
琴瑟起 镜中人不曾执迷
问风月 一滴泪眼角眉宇
余生遥望着你 相思不可寄
相识一场 梦不留痕迹
When the piano starts, the mirror has never been obsessed
Asked beautiful scenery, a teardrop and eyebrows
The rest of my life is looking at you from afar
Get to know a dream without leaving a trace

Bié gùrén lù yáo kě céngjiànjūn xīn
Wǎnglái shēng yuàn cānghǎi fǔ píng cháoxī
Qīngsī luò rù gùlǐ tān chēn chī yījù
Tiānyá ruò zhuīxún jiǔbié yì nán píng
别故人 路遥可曾见君心
往来生 愿沧海抚平潮汐
青丝落入故里 贪嗔痴一句
天涯若追寻 久别意难平
Farewell to an old friend, has kind distant ever seen your heart
Reciprocal contact student of life, may the sea smooth the tides
Blue silk fell into her hometown and said a word of greed, hatred and stupidity
If you pursue the world, it will be hard to find peace after a long absence

Shēngsǐ qiè kuò shì chuánwén zhōng de xì liáng báole jìyì
Hébì wéi wúqíng zhī rén pōu xīn yàoshí wú yī
Jǔ'ànqíméi shì mèng zhōng de guāngjǐng
Dà mèng zhōng huì xǐng qiūfēng qǐ fēngyè luò chōu lí
生死契阔是传闻中的戏 凉薄了记忆
大梦终会醒 秋风起 枫叶落 抽离
Life and death are a rumored play and my memory has faded
Why bother to cut the heart for the ruthless person, there is no medicine
There is no doctor to raise a case, the eyebrows are a scene in a dream
Big dreams will wake up, the autumn wind rises and the maple leaves fall away

Bié gùrén lù yáo kě céngjiànjūn xīn
Wǎnglái shēng yuàn cānghǎi fǔ píng cháoxī
Qīngsī luò rù gùlǐ tān chēn chī yījù
Tiānyá ruò zhuīxún jiǔbié yì nán píng
别故人 路遥可曾见君心
往来生 愿沧海抚平潮汐
青丝落入故里 贪嗔痴一句
天涯若追寻 久别意难平
Farewell to an old friend, has kind distant ever seen your heart
Reciprocal contact student of life, may the sea smooth the tides
Blue silk fell into her hometown and said a word of greed, hatred and stupidity
If you pursue the world, it will be hard to find peace after a long absence

Shēngsǐ qiè kuò shì chuánwén zhōng de xì liáng báole jìyì
Hébì wéi wúqíng zhī rén pōu xīn yàoshí wú yī
Jǔ'ànqíméi shì mèng zhōng de guāngjǐng
Dà mèng zhōng huì xǐng qiūfēng qǐ fēngyè luò chōu lí
生死契阔是传闻中的戏 凉薄了记忆
大梦终会醒 秋风起 枫叶落 抽离
Life and death are a rumored play and my memory has faded
Why bother to cut the heart for the ruthless person, there is no medicine
There is no doctor to raise a case, the eyebrows are a scene in a dream
Big dreams will wake up, the autumn wind rises and the maple leaves fall away

Shēngsǐ qiè kuò shì chuánwén zhōng de xì liáng báole jìyì
Hébì wéi wúqíng zhī rén pōu xīn yàoshí wú yī
Jǔ'ànqíméi shì mèng zhōng de guāngjǐng
Dà mèng zhōng huì xǐng qiūfēng qǐ fēngyè luò chōu lí
生死契阔是传闻中的戏 凉薄了记忆
大梦终会醒 秋风起 枫叶落 抽离
Life and death are a rumored play and my memory has faded
Why bother to cut the heart for the ruthless person, there is no medicine
There is no doctor to raise a case, the eyebrows are a scene in a dream
Big dreams will wake up, the autumn wind rises and the maple leaves fall away

Qiūfēng qǐ fēngyè luò chōu lí
秋风起 枫叶落 抽离
The autumn wind rises and the maple leaves fall away

中国戏剧 原声带 (歌曲歌词) • Part 5/25Where stories live. Discover now