赵露思 ~ Hidden Heart (隐心)

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Song from The Last Immortal

Zhao Lu Si: Fēngyún duō guǐ yì wēi yá kāi mǎn huā
Fánxīn tóng jìng zhī xià jǐ dù lúnhuí zhēn jiǎ
Mítú duàncháng wú rén néng dá
Lù huāngwú jìng luò wǎnxiá
Wǎngrì xiào shēng jìng huídàng yú yán xià
风云多诡意 危崖开满花
凡心铜镜之下 几度轮回真假
往日笑声 竟回荡于 檐下
The wind and clouds are treacherous and the cliffs are full of flowers
Under the bronze mirror of mortal heart, several reincarnations are true and false
I am lost and heartbroken and no one can answer me
The road is deserted and the sunset is setting
The laughter of the past echoes under the eaves

Wǒ bù kěn húnpò yǐ miè yǔhuà chéng shā
Fúchén bēi huān dōu xiàonà
Wǒ sī qù mǎn shēn guānghuá
Jiē kāi mìngyùn kāi chū tiāndì de zàohuà
Zhànfàng chū wúxiá dāng zhí mèng shàonián
Bìngjiān tiānyá kāi chū yúnxiá
我不肯魂魄已灭 羽化成沙
我撕去 满身光华
揭开命运 开出天地的造化
绽放出无暇 当执梦少年
并肩天涯 开出云霞
I don't want my soul to be destroyed and turned into sand
I accept all the ups and downs, my joys and sorrows
I tear them away and my whole body is covered with brilliance
Reveal destiny and create the creation of heaven and earth
The blooming flawlessly and becoming a boy with dreams
Side by side at the end of the world, the clouds bloom

Wǒ yǐn chén xīn yíng wúwèi xīntóu jǐ dào bā
Rèn tā wànbān mózhàng qí fā wǒ tòngkuài yǐn xià
Zòngshǐ wǒ xīn rú shuāng duì nǐ cáng qiānguà
Yě céng pínglán zì huà
我隐尘心 迎无畏 心头几道疤
任他万般魔障 齐发 我痛快饮下
纵使我心 如霜 对你藏牵挂
I hide in the dust and welcome fearlessly, with a few scars on my heart
Let all his demonic obstacles come to light and I drank it with all my heart
Even though my heart is like frost, I still care about you
I also talked to myself while leaning on the railing

Wǒ bù kěn húnpò yǐ miè yǔhuà chéng shā
Fúchén bēi huān dōu xiàonà
Wǒ sī qù mǎn shēn guānghuá
Jiē kāi mìngyùn kāi chū tiāndì de zàohuà
Zhànfàng chū wúxiá dāng zhí mèng shàonián
Bìngjiān tiānyá kāi chū yúnxiá
我不肯魂魄已灭 羽化成沙
我撕去 满身光华
揭开命运 开出天地的造化
绽放出无暇 当执梦少年
并肩天涯 开出云霞
I don't want my soul to be destroyed and turned into sand
I accept all the ups and downs, my joys and sorrows
I tear them away and my whole body is covered with brilliance
Reveal destiny and create the creation of heaven and earth
The blooming flawlessly and becoming a boy with dreams
Side by side at the end of the world, the clouds bloom

Wǒ yǐn chén xīn yíng wúwèi xīntóu jǐ dào bā
Rèn tā wànbān mózhàng qí fā wǒ tòngkuài yǐn xià
Zòngshǐ wǒ xīn rú shuāng duì nǐ cáng qiānguà
Yě céng pínglán zì huà
我隐尘心 迎无畏 心头几道疤
任他万般魔障 齐发 我痛快饮下
纵使我心 如霜 对你藏牵挂
I hide in the dust and welcome fearlessly, with a few scars on my heart
Let all his demonic obstacles come to light and I drank it with all my heart
Even though my heart is like frost, I still care about you
I also talked to myself while leaning on the railing

Wǒ yǐn chén xīn yíng wúwèi xīntóu jǐ dào bā
Rèn tā wànbān mózhàng qí fā wǒ tòngkuài yǐn xià
Zòngshǐ wǒ xīn rú shuāng duì nǐ cáng qiānguà
Yě céng pínglán zì huà
我隐尘心 迎无畏 心头几道疤
任他万般魔障 齐发 我痛快饮下
纵使我心 如霜 对你藏牵挂
I hide in the dust and welcome fearlessly, with a few scars on my heart
Let all his demonic obstacles come to light and I drank it with all my heart
Even though my heart is like frost, I still care about you
I also talked to myself while leaning on the railing

Wǒ yù fēngchén wèi cāngshēng děngdài pò jiǎn ér fā
Rèn tā chénshì rú yǐng huànhuà wǒ yòu hécéng jùpà
Zòngshǐ jiéjú bēngtā wǒ wǎn nǐ huái xià
Rèn jīngjí cìshēn jiǎ lèi shèntòu nǐ liǎnjiá
我驭风尘 为苍生 等待破茧而发
任他尘世如影 幻化 我又何曾惧怕
纵使结局 崩塌 我挽你怀下
任荆棘刺身甲 泪渗透你脸颊
I ride the wind and dust and wait for the common people to break out of the cocoon
Let him be like a shadow in the world, how could I ever be afraid
Even if the ending collapses, I will hold you in your arms
Let the thorns pierce your armor and let the tears seep into your cheeks

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