韩智愚 ~ Chasing The Light (逐光)

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Song from The Immortal Promise

Han Zhi Yu: Xiǎng zài hēi'àn zhōng xúnzhǎo yī shù guāng
Jiāng mèngjìng lǐ de guòwǎng dōu zhào liàng
Míngyuè zìzuò zhǔzhāng jiāng yuán fèn dōu sī cáng
Wǒ réng zài yuēdìng de shù xià shǒuwàng
想在黑暗中 寻找一束光
将梦境里的过往 都照亮
明月自作主张 将缘份都私藏
I want to find a ray of light that are in the dark
Illuminate the past in the dream
Bright moon makes her own claim and hides her fate privately
I'm still watching under the promised tree

Chūnfēng chuī sànle fǎnghuáng nǐ zài hán yè zhāngwàng
Cǐkè wàngjì yōushāng yè jìntóu shēng qǐ yīdào nuǎn yáng
Zài suìyuè de dùhé shàng wǒ suí huíyì yáohuàng
Jǐn wòzhe bǎidù de chuán jiǎng bù kěn fàng
春风吹散了彷徨 你在寒夜张望
此刻忘记忧伤 夜尽头升起一道暖阳
在岁月的渡河上 我随回忆摇晃
紧握着摆渡的船桨 不肯放
The spring breeze blows away the hesitation, you look around in the cold night
I forget the sorrow at this moment, a warm sun rises at the end of the night
On the crossing of the years and I sway with the memories
Holding tightly to the oars of the ferry and refusing to let go

Jǔ bēi wèn yuè sè tā kě huì jìdé
Bùcéng biélí zěn zhī shuāng xuě nán zhé
Nǐ jiāng chóu shàn qīng zhé gǎn yǔ dí shēng xiāng hé
Chàng xīnshàngrén yuánlái shì guīlái zhě
举杯问月色 它可会记得
你将绸扇轻折 敢与笛声相和
Raise your glass to ask the moonlight, will it remember
How do you know frost and snow are hard to break if you have never parted
You fold the silk fan lightly and dare to harmonize with the sound of the flute
Singing my sweetheart turns out to be a returnee

Jiān shàng chénkē yǐ yùhé yǎnlèi què hái wēn rè
Hóng méi shèngkāi nà kè kàn xīntiào bùzhǐ xiē de yánsè
Wǒ zài shíguāng zhōng báshè rú zhú huǒ de fēi é
Jiāng shǒuhòu xiě zàile fēiyè pǔ chéng gē
肩上沉疴已愈合 眼泪却还温热
红梅盛开那刻 看心跳不止歇的颜色
我在时光中跋涉 如逐火的飞蛾
将守候写在了扉页 谱成歌
The ailment on the shoulder has healed, but the tears are still warm
When the red plums are in full bloom, look at the color of the heartbeat
I travel through time like a moth chasing a flame
Write the waiting on the title page and compose it into a song

Dí shēng zhǐyǐnzhe de fāngxiàng rèn'àiyì shēngzhǎng
Wǒ pī yīshēn míng yuèguāng zhǐ yuàn yǔ nǐ tóng wǎng
笛声指引着的方向 任爱意生长
The direction guided by the sound of the flute, let love grow
I wear a bright moonlight and only wish to go with you

Chūnfēng chuī sànle fǎnghuáng nǐ zài rì chū zhāngwàng
Bù qù xiǎng biélí duō zhǎng
Ài yì huà zuò jǐn shū qiān xíng
Zài suìyuè de dùhé shàng wǒ suí huíyì yáohuàng
Jǐn jìzhe xǔ xià de yuēdìng bùnéng wàng
春风吹散了彷徨 你在日出张望
在岁月的渡河上 我随回忆摇晃
谨记着许下的约定 不能忘
The spring breeze blows away the hesitation, you look at the sunrise
I don't think about how long we'll be the parting
Love turned into a brocade book and a thousand lines
On the crossing of the years, I sway with the memories
I remember the promise you made, never forget

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