1. New Beginnings

77 3 0

July 21st


"This is gonna be different and it's just temporary" my mom said looking at me as I sat passenger of her car.

"Yea" I said lowly just shrugging.

My mom, sister Tiara who's 10, and my 9 year old little brother Jackson who we call Jay we're currently moving into my grandparents house.

My dad decided he didn't want to be a father and husband anymore and left us, leaving my mom to pick up the pieces.

I'm from the west side of Chicago and have lived there all my life but now we were over in the Southside where my grandmother lives.

My mom was able to keep things afloat for us to finish out our school year. I've always been my own person and a lone wolf type of guy but now I was going to start going to school with some of my cousins so I knew it's be a little different.

I believe in having one to two solid friends and you good.

"Does Granny and Pops know we're here" Tiara asked.

I didn't see my grandfathers old Cadillac out front meaning he at least wasn't home.

"No they went to a church event but I have a key for us to move our things in and get settled in" my mom said.

For now we each had a duffel bag and a suitcase of clothes and shoes and my mom has either sold most stuff or it was in a storage unit she got.

"We don't gotta start doing that church stuff do we" I asked looking at my mom.

Growing up we only went to church on holidays or special occasions or if we'd spend a weekend at my grandparents which is why I never really did.

I believe in God but I'm not into the whole religion thing.

"My mom knows we don't really go much and she won't press the issue seeing my dad really doesn't go but occasionally to keep the peace we can attended some services with her" my mom said.

"Aight" I said making a mental note to be busy on those days.

"Did Granny cook" Jay asked.

"You're always hungry" Tiara said.

"Cause I'm a growing kid" he said.

"She has some food on the stove for us" my mom said.

"Good let's go" Jay said getting out the car Tiara following behind him.

I opened my door and my mom grabbed my arm before I could get out so I looked over at her.

"I know this is a big change especially with you now having to share rooms with your brother and Rico" she said.

"Ma I told you it's cool plus you said it's temporary" I assured her.

She nodded.

"It is" she said.

I nodded.

"I love you" she said smiling.

I hugged her.

"I love you too" I said as I pulled away.

While she went inside I got our bags out the car with the help of Jay once my mom sent him back out here.

After we got all the bags in the house and up to our designated rooms I took me a shower.

Coming out I saw my cousin Rico in there.

"What up" I said to him.

He looked at me.

"What up G you good" he asked.

"Always" I said as we dapped up.

He pulled out some money from his pockets.

"Nigga I know that ain't off cutting grass" I joked.

"Shit not even a quarter of it is" he said shaking his head.

I knew what my cousin did I've ran a couple plays with him when times got hard for my mom.

Once she found out where I got the money she made me stop so I don't fuck with that shit no more.

"What you getting into today though" he said as I grabbed the lotion off the dresser in the room.

The room had two bunk beds on either side and a dresser and Chester with an older tv sitting on the dresser.

"Shit just finna chill really" I said sitting on the bottom bunk that was mine for the time being.

He nodded.

"I'm about to go to one of the spots and kick it with some of my peoples if you want to slide" he said.

I started putting lotion on my arms.

"Not today" I said.

"Shit aight then I'll be back by dinner" he said.

"Aight" I said and we dapped up and he left out.  

A few minutes later Jay came in as I was putting lotion on my legs.

"Ma said come eat" he said to me.

"Aight I'm coming" I said.

He nodded and left out.

I sighed looking around before putting the lotion up. I slipped on my house slides and went downstairs to eat some lunch with the family.

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