16. Growing Up

7 1 0

December 7th


I walked into the house from school and went into the kitchen.

"Hey Granny" I said seeing her holding Titan as she stood feeding him his bottle.

"Hey how was school" she asked.

"Good, gotta get ready to take him to Tierras and then go to work" I said.

I kissed Titans forehead.

"Hey Pop" I said.

He smiled with his bottle in his mouth.

"How was he" I asked.

"Good as always. When you go by Tierra let her know he's gonna need more milk over here" Granny said.

"Okay, you ready to go see your mom Pop" I asked taking him as granny removed the empty bottle he just finished.

She put the spit up blanket on my shoulder and I started burping him.

I kissed the side of his head.

"I'll see you later Granny man" Granny said to him.

She kissed his forehead and I got his baby bag off the counter top.

I let him get out a few burps and then I put him in his car seat. I went and changed into my work uniform and then we got ready to go.

Granny only lived a few blocks from Tierra so I didn't have to walk far.

We started on our walk and on the way Rico called.

"Yo" I said.

"G where you at I need you for something" he said.

"I'm on my way to Tierra before I go to my shift at the gym" I said.

"Damn can you call out this shit important" he said.

"What's going on" I asked.

"You know Ty got booked for these next 4 months so I'm left running shit. But I got Trinity on my ass and I gotta go get her from her Granny's and that shit like 4 hours out but I gotta go pick up some money" he said.

"Nigga how imma do that shit" I asked.

"G I got Ty car keys" he said.

"His car clean" I asked making my way down Tierra street finally.

"Yea I swept it myself" he said.

"Aight let me call the gym" I said.

"Aight let me know fast" he said.

"Aight" I said.

I hung up and called the gym and thankfully one of the guys was wanting extra hours so he took my shift.

I called Rico back.

"Pick me up from the bus stop in like 10" I said as I walked up to Tierra door.

"Aight" he said.

I hung up and went inside the house. 

"Hey Taj" Mika said running over.

"What up lil bit" I said calling her the nickname I gave her.

"Do you have $5 for the candy lady" she asked.

I put the car seat down and pulled out my wallet.

I only had a $10 as the smallest bill.

"This all I got" I said pulling it out.

She took it.

"Thanks and I'm keeping the change" she said.

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