52. Bams Home

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3 days later

Tierra POV

I walked through our apartment door as Taj held it open while holding the car seat in the other hand.

I took my shoes off while he came in closing and locking the door.

"You wanna get him straight then take a shower" he asked.

"Yea he's gonna be ready to eat soon" I said pulling the blanket up seeing my baby asleep.

"I want to give him a house tour" I said.

"Aight" he said.

We walked to the living room and he sat the car seat on the sofa and I took my baby out.

"Hi mommies baby you ready to see your home" I said softly as I looked at him sleep in my arms.

"He ain't finna see shit" Taj said.

I rolled my eyes and walked around the house making the different rooms I walked through.

I ended in our room last.

"And that's the house tour bam bam, it's all nice and cozy for us. You're gonna sleep with me and daddy for a while but when you get bigger you can sleep with your brother and sister" I said to him.

He started to make some noises letting me know he was waking up and ready to eat.

"Okay I know you ready to eat now" I said.

I walked to the rocking chair in the kids room and sat in it and I pulled out my right breast and started feeding him.

I softly rubbed his head as he ate and I hummed you are my sunshine.

"He up already" Taj asked he was in our bathroom shitting during the house tour.

"Yes you gonna go get my babies while I feed him" I asked.

"Imma get them once you straight and settled in bed. You not finna try and go do that shit by yourself while I'm gone" he said.

I just nodded.

He came over and kissed me and then Tahirs head.

"Now I gotta go get him tatted" he said rolling up his arm sleeve.

He had gotten the kids names and mine tattooed on his chest.

"I want to get a sleeve or at least half on this arm" he said to me.

"You just going crazy after them first ones" I said.

"They say once you start it's hard to stop" he said.

I just rolled my eyes.

"We still gotta figure out what we gonna do for our matching ones" he said.

"I told you something small and simple even though I really don't want one" I said.

He kissed my lips.

"Whatever you wanna do" he said.

I blushed as he stood up straight.

After I fed and burped him I swaddled him and then Taj and I got in the shower.

After our shower I got dressed, in bed and he massaged my back and my feet.

"You good" he asked looking at me.

I nodded about to fall asleep as he massaged my feet.

"Aight I'm finna go get the kids" he said.

"Okay can you bring me a cinnamon roll and a hoagie from the deli" I asked.

He kissed my foot.

"Yea, call me if you need anything else aight" he said getting out of bed.

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