6. Introducing

13 1 0

December 31st


"So she want you to meet her parents as her boyfriend" Rico asked confused as he sat on the bed.

I was adding my accessories to my outfit, my new chain and watch I got for Christmas and then my fitted.

"No Nigga as her friend, we just been kicking it as that" I said.

"Shit nigga I can't tell" he said standing.

"G ain't you coming" I asked.

"Yea but you lost me when you said she want to introduce you to her people's" he said standing.

I just shrugged.

Once we were ready we left and went walking to her house which was a few streets over.

We got there and went inside the door being unlocked.

I texted her that I was here so she met me in the front of the house by her stairs.

She and I shared a hug and then I shared a side hug with Trinity.

"Where Toya" I asked.

"She spending new years with her family" Trinity said.

I nodded.

"Come on so you can meet my mom and dad" she said taking my hand.

We walked to the living room and she walked me up to a couple dancing.

"Ma, dad this is Taj" she said.

They stopped and looked at us.

"How you doing young man, I'm Richard" the guy said.

"Nice to meet you I'm Taj" I said shaking his hand.

"That's a good handshake" he said to me.

"Hey Taj welcome to our house, I'm mrs Tami. Tierra said you're one of her new friends that just moved out here" her mom said.

"Yes ma'am I stay a few blocks over but I'm from the west" I said.

"Okay welcome to the south" she said and we all shared a laugh.

"Go ahead and show him where the food is" mrs Tami said.

"Come on" Tierra said pulling me by my arm.

I thanked her parents and then followed her to the kitchen.

"You hungry" she asked.

"Yea I could eat" I said.

She nodded and held a plate and started asking me what all I wanted. We got to the end after she made my plate and she handed it to me.

"Thanks" I said.

She nodded smiling.

We went to the dinning room. I wasn't sure where Trinity and Rico went but he's known her family for a while now.

She and I sat and spoke as I ate and she just sipped on a bottled water.

It was different not bringing new years in with my mom and siblings but being here with her was still fun.


"Hey Tierra" I said stopping her before she left from her locker.

"Hey" she smiled looking at me.

"I was trynna see if you had any plans this weekend" I asked.

"Uh no not really" she said.

"Cool you want to go on a date with me. We can go bowling and I'll come get you" I said.

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