14. Eight Zero One

7 1 0

August 1st


I had just gotten off a 10 hour shift at the gym. I came and home and took a shower and now I was headed to Tierras.

I've been coming to her house every day these past few weeks. She was now 8 months and looking like she was ready to have my son already.

She always complained about being tired and her feet hurting so I always came over and massaged her feet.

I walked in the house.

"Oh God ma" I heard Tierra yelling.

I rushed to the back of the house.

"What's going on" I said seeing them in the kitchen.

"Ma it hurts" Tierra cried.

"Taj help get her to the car her water broke" mrs Tami said.

"Her water" I said and looking down at her legs I could see some water dripping from her legs.

"Yes now come on before she have this damn baby in my house" her mom said.

I nodded.

"Come on baby I got you" I said helping her walk.

Mrs Tami left out to get her stuff.

I kissed Tierras head as she leaned on me and I lead us out.

"Taj I want him out of me now" she cried.

"He's about to be just breathe" I said to her.

I was able to get her in her moms truck and then I got in. I called my mom as mrs Tami drove us to the hospital.

Tierra cried the entire time.

We got to the hospital and I got us a wheel chair and I helped her in it and I wheeled her inside.

They got us to a room and prepped her to push. My mom works at the hospital so she was already here.

She helped deliver the baby and he came out quiet until the doctor did something to make him cry.

I cut the umbilical cord and they held him up against a monitor and I took a picture.

"He's a big boy" mrs Tami said.

He was 7 pounds and 9 ounces like my mom said Jay was with a head full of hair.

They laid him on Tierras chest and he stopped crying as she spoke to him.

"It's okay papa mommy's here" she said.

I kissed the top of her head twice.

"What's up Junie" I said looking at him.

"He looks like you" Tierra said.

I nodded and smiled and we shared a kiss. The doctors took him and went to get him cleaned up and they got Tierra cleaned up.

"What did it look like down there" she asked me.

"Crazy" I said.

She laughed.

I kissed the side of her face a few more times.

"Y'all better get ready to be on his schedule" my mom said.

I looked at her.

"Surely will be" mrs Tami said.

I nodded.

They brought the baby back and we signed the birth certificate and we had different family come up.

Rico and Trinity even came and brought their son Ryan who's just a month older that Titan.

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