19. Papas Day

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August 1st

Tierra POV

"Tierra wake up" I heard.

I woke up out of my sleep

"Ma" I said confused.

"Get up and take this" she said holding something.

I rubbed my eyes and I saw it was 5 in the morning.

"What is that" I asked sitting up.

"Go take this it's a pregnancy test" she said.

"Ma what the heck I'm not pregnant and it's literally 5 in the morning" I said.

She just looked at me.

"You serious" I asked.

"As a heart attack" she said.

I got up with an attitude and took the test and I went in the bathroom.

I took the test and left it on the counter.

"Where is it" she asked.

"On a napkin on the counter" I said.

"I'll be back in 5 minutes" she said as I got back in bed with my baby who was officially one today.

She left out the room.

I kissed Titans cheek as he slept and I took a few picture of him.

Taj mom decided to let us have a little party at her house today for him and it's Elmo themed.

I cuddle with my baby and closed my eyes.

10 minutes later

"Tierra" I heard.

I sat up and looked to my bathroom.

My mom walked over.

"What" I said.

She gave me the two test and I looked at it.

"What the hell" I said sitting up seeing two positive pregnancy tests.

"You know what I told you right" my mom said.

I sighed.

"Yes" I said

She nodded and left out.

"Fuck" I said.

I took a picture of the test and sent it to Taj. I laid back down with my baby and went back to sleep.

Later that day

"What's up with you" Taj asked as we stood in his moms kitchen getting ready to bring the cake out.

"Did you see my text" I asked.

"Nah what" he said.

"Check it" I said putting the candle on the little Elmo cake.

He pulled out his phone and I lifted the cake after picking it up.

"You're pregnant" he said confused.

I looked at him and left out the kitchen.

We all started singing happy birthday as Titan sat in his high chair. We made sure it was only close family here.

Once we finished singing Mika helped him blow out his candles and we all cheered and he clapped smiling.

Taj smashed the cake in his face and I was mad. His mom cleaned my babies face and cussed Taj out. After the party my mom helped to clean up.

"Have you told him" she said as I held the trash bag for her as she put the plates in the bag.

"Yes" I said.

"Told who what" ms Pat said.

I looked at Taj and then her.

"I'm pregnant again" I said.

"How far are you" ms Pat asked.

"I've only taken a test my appointment is in two days" I said.

"I'll take you" Taj said.

I nodded.

"Y'all on a roll" ms Pat said.

"You know they say after that first one the second is right after" my mom said.

"I'm glad it slipped over me" ms Pat said.

"I was almost there chile" my mom said.

I left them to finish and I went ahead and checked on Titan. He was asleep in Taj room in his crib.

Once I saw he was okay I headed back downstairs.

"Hey you good" Taj asked waking upstairs.

"Yea" I said lowly.

"G we been careful" he said.

"I know I tried to go without birth control but I'm gonna have to get on after this" I said.

He nodded.

He hugged me and kissed my head.

"We gone be good" he said.

I nodded.

2 days later

"Let's see how far you are" my doctor said.

She moved the wand around and a little fetus popped up on the screen.

"Okay so your 3 months, so conception was around May" she said.

I nodded.

She cleaned off my stomach and then gave me some pictures and Taj and I left.

We got in the car, Granny had Titan since we had to do some school shopping anyways.

"We was fucking a lot in May" he said.

"I know" I said looking at him.

"Well we here" he said.

"Yep" I said.

He leaned over and kissed me twice.

"You know I got y'all right" he asked.

I nodded.

"Yea" I said.

"Aight" he said.

He rubbed my small belly and we left.

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