34. Valentines Day

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Tierra POV

"All this candy really" I said to Taj seeing the gift box he got for Heiress.

"Yep gonna send them to my mom all sugared up. Make sure they drive her crazy so she won't leave tonight" he said as we sat on the bed with the kids.

He brought us all some changing clothes so we showered and lounged around the room.

"She got a date" I asked.

"Supposedly that's what Jay said that's why I asked her to keep the kids I was gonna let them stay with us til Jay said something about her going out with some guy" he said.

"Taj let your mom go have fun" I said.

"G she will with her grand kids" he said.

I rolled my eyes.

Him and Jay swear they were the only "men" their mom needed.

"Daddy open this one" Titan said holding up a lollipop.

Taj got him something as well.

Taj opened it for him.

"That's your last piece for today Papa okay" I said to him.

"Okay" he said nodding before putting the lollipop in his mouth.

I looked at Heiress as she ate some of her Gerber smoothie melts.

"When we gone have one more" Taj asked.

"Nigga what" I said looking at him like he was crazy.

"When we gonna have another one" he said looking at me.

"Taj we still in school and living at your moms we barely making it with just these two" I said.

"G it's a general quietism I'm just asking a time frame of when you want to go for another" he said.

"No time soon I know that much" I said laying back on the pillows.

He came over more and kissed on my head and slipped his hand in my robe and placed his hand on my stomach.

I was naked underneath I didn't feel like putting on clothes right now.

"You like being pregnant I know the delivery part be hell but that's just a small part" he said.

I looked at him and he kissed me.

I looked at our kids as they looked up at the tv watching some cartoon on Disney.

"Yes it's an experience and different every time but seeing the humans we create and their little personalities is really the best part of it. I get to build a connection when they're in my stomach but it's so short lived" I said.

"I like seeing you pregnant" he said.

"Why I be big as shit and horny all the time" I said.

He kissed my lips.

"I definitely like the horny part but just knowing something I made with the girl I love is in the process of being created is just amazing to see" he said.

I smiled and kissed his lips.

"You talking like that is why I stay pregnant" I said and we laughed.

"Nah but we got time before another one. I want us at least in our crib, to have finished school and you in your own chair while I'm running the gym" he said.

"I agree" I said.

He smiled and we kissed.

"Dada" Heiress said looking back at us.

"Girl can I have just 5 seconds with my man" I said when she stood up walking over.

Taj picked her up and kissed her cheek.

"She look like you just with my nose and smile" Taj said.

"Stole my whole face and made it prettier" I said to my baby and she smiled.

She leaned over and we shared a kiss.

Titan made his way up to us and sat beside me and I wrapped my arms around my baby.

Later that night

"You sure we shouldn't have just let them come with us" I asked Taj as we walked back into the room.

We dropped the kids off to his moms and grabbed some food and came back.

"Tierra we finna be back tomorrow. We ain't have one night to ourselves since I got out" he said.

"I know" I pouted as I looked at him.

He placed the food on the table and he walked over to me.

"Come here" he said and picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He kissed my lips a few times.

"Didn't you say you wanted daddy" he said.

I nodded.

"Aight so then they definitely can't be here" he said.

I caressed his head and he placed me on my back on the bed.

He started kissing on my neck and I rubbed his head as he did.

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