7. Official

16 1 0

March 4th


Tierra and I were able to meet up at the mall today, she told me she's been using Toya as a cover up because her mom wasn't really into her dating.

I held her hand and we went to a jewelry stand.

"This is cute" she said pointing out a charm bracelet.

"You like that" I asked.

"Yea and I can just get different charms to add to it" she said.

I nodded.

We went and got us a few items and then went to catch the movie she wanted to see. It was a romance type movie I wasn't interested in them but she loved them.

After our day at the mall her ride came and got her and she left.

I ended up going back into the mall and getting  the bracelet she liked and a charm of a letter T and a heart.

After paying for that I caught the bus back home to Grannys. I had some work to handle so I dropped my stuff off and I was back outside to go link up with Ty.

Next Day

I asked Tierra to meet me at the park but she couldn't leave her house since she had her little sister with her and their parents were gone so I offered to come by and she agreed.

I walked up and knocked on the door.

A few minutes later she came out in a sweat suit with some Uggs and a coat on.

We sat on the patio furniture.

"So what's up" she asked.

I felt my stomach in knots I was so nervous I was about to ask some shit I've never asked before.

"Tierra you know I like you, like a lot right" I asked.

She nodded looking at me.

"Yea" she said.

"And well I- I" I stoped and pulled out the bracelet.

"Wait this is the one we saw yesterday" I said.

I nodded.

"Taj you really got it for me" she smiled.

I nodded and helped her put it on.

"I wanted to give you that and ask you if you want to be my girl friend" I said looking at her.

She looked at me.

"Yes I want to be your girlfriend" she said and I smiled.

I leaned in and she met me half way and we kissed.

I pulled back and she lifted her wrist "I love it" she smiled.

"I got a T for the both of our names and then a heart they didn't have a black heart so I just did the white one" I said.

"Thank you" she said and hugged me.

"You're welcome" I smiled.

We chilled on the porch for nearly an hour even though it was cold as fuck. She ended up having to go inside when her little sister Mika whose 8 started complaining about being hungry.

I walked home with the biggest smile on my face.

I felt my iPhone ring so I answered.

"Yo" I said.

"G I need yo help with some shit you free" Ty said.

"Yea I'm free" I said.

"Aight I'm a block away matter of fact I think I see you" he said.

I looked up seeing his black Altima.

"Yea it's me" I said.

"Aight" he said hanging up.

I put my phone in my pocket and got in his car when he pulled up.

2 weeks later

"Taj take off your hoodie I'm not gonna ask again" my English teacher said.

Him and I never got along. I was the only black kid in this advance English class and I was a target for him.

I looked to my left seeing the white boy next to me with a whole hat on.

"G leave me the fuck alone and start your lesson" I said.

"Excuse me mr Johsnon if you can't follow my rules you can get out my class room boy" he said.

"G what you just say" I asked.

"You heard me boy I said get out my class room" he said.

I nodded angrily chuckling as I stood.

He was standing near my desk so I stepped to him.

"Say that shit again" I said to him looking into his eyes.

"You heard me boy-" was all he got out before I punched him straight in his mouth.

He started yelling some shit and I ignored him getting my book bag and making my way to the office.

"Taj" my principal said confused when I walked in her office.

I sat down just as her phone rang.

She said a few things and then hung it up.

She just sighed.

"I'll call your mother" she said.

I nodded.

As I sat waiting we heard a knock on the door.

"It's open" she called out.

An officer stood.

"Hey are you Taj Johnson" the officer asked.

I just looked at him.

"What's going on" my principal asked.

"Ma'am we got a call from a teacher about a student by that name assaulting him and we have to take him in" the officer said.

I sucked my teeth but stood.

"Taj I'll notify your mother" my principal called out as they cuffed me.

I was escorted out and people just stood looking at me.

Once they got me to the station they gave me 2 months in juvie and I had to be expelled from the school unable to return for the rest of the year.

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