27. Titans 2

5 1 0

August 1st


"Papa why are you getting big so fast" Tierra said as she hugged him as we sat up in bed just getting up.

"I big boy mommy" he said.

"Yes you're a big boy, how old are you today Papa" she asked him.

"Two" he said holding up two fingers.

"Oh my gosh" she said kissing his cheeks making him laugh.

I just watched them smiling.

I had Heiress laid on my chest as she slept so we could do skin-to-skin.

"Mama my cake" he asked as Tierra let him stand up on the bed.

"Yea you gonna get cake and ice cream Papa and your cousins are gonna be there and we get to sing happy birthday" she said.

He smiled.

"Kairo mommy" he asked.

"Yep Kairo gonna be there" she said to him.

"Daddy come" he asked pointing to me.

"Yes daddy's gonna be there" she said to him.

"You know imma be there big Pop. Damn he growing fast" I said rubbing his head.

We got his first hair cut two days ago. I took him with me when I got my cut and Tierra nearly cried.

He only got a line up and just like 2 inches of his hair trimmed.

"I love you Pop" I said to him.

"I love you dada" he said walking over to me.

He hugged me and I wrapped one arm around him and kissed his head.

"You ready to get ready. I still have to go get the cake and our shirts" Tierra said.

"Yea" I said.

"You ready to put on your monster truck shoes papa" Tierra asked him as she got out of bed.

We got him a whole customized outfit and it was all monster truck themed.

"Monsa truck shoes" he said smiling.

"Yea" she said picking him up as he walked over to the side of the bed.

They went into the bathroom leaving the door open.

I kissed Heiress head.

She had rolls for days, she looked like a chunky baby doll so most of the family calls her Juicy.

I carefully got up holding her with one arm and she moved a little. I went into the bathroom.

Titan sat on the toilet while Tierra stood brushing her teeth.

"He shitty already" I asked grabbing my tooth brush.

"Yes" Tierra said.

I laughed.

She put some toothpaste on my toothbrush and I started brushing my teeth. Once I finished I left out the bathroom.

I laid Heiress in her basinet, she never sleeps long when she's in there since she likes being held when she's asleep.

I went in the bathroom and Tierra was helping Titan brush his teeth. I got in the shower to get it out the way so I could get the kids ready when she got in the shower.

By the time I got out the shower I heard Heiress crying.

I had on some shorts so I walked in the room.

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