15. Papa Bear

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Sept 5th

Tierra POV

"You ready to see your daddy papa" I asked as I put him in his car seat.

Today was Taj 16th birthday so he and I decided to hang out today at my brothers.

I buckled Titan up as he slept in his car seat after he just ate, got burped and washed for the day.

My phone started ringing so I picked it up.

"Hey" I said answering Taj call.

"Hey you ready I'm about to pull up" he asked.

"Yes I just got Papa in his car seat I'm about to come downstairs" I said.

"I'm coming in the house you don't need to be carrying that carseat" he said.

"Okay well I'm about to double check his bag real quick the door should be unlocked as usual. My mom was talking about giving you a spare key in case of emergencies" I said.

"Might as well you got one to granny crib" he said.

He stayed on the phone even when I heard him come upstairs not hanging up until he was outside my room door.

He walked in.

"Hey beautiful" he said walking up to me.

"Happy birthday baby" I smiled.

"Thank you" he said after we shared a kiss.

"All he do is sleep" he said walking over to Titan.

"He's just a baby he's supposed to" I said.

"I know but I'm ready for him to want to play and shit" he said.

I rolled my eyes.

I grabbed the baby bag and my small bag since we were staying the night at Tys.

Him and Careesha were out of town for a business trip and vacation. So he said Taj and I could house sit for the weekend.

I grabbed the black gift bag out my closet it was Taj favorite color.

"You ready" he asked picking up the car seat.

"Yea" I said fixing the blanket over my babies seat.

We left out with him leading the way. I locked the door and we went down to his moms car.

"She know you got her car" I asked as he put Titans car seat in.

"Yea she said I can use it for the weekend since she's out of town" he said.

"So you passed your test today" I asked.

"Yea I'm officially licensed" he said.

"Congratulations baby next step is your car" I smiled.

We kissed and he opened my door.

I got in and he took the baby bag and my bag from me.

He put it in the backseat and then got in the car.

We stopped and got some food and then we headed to my brothers.

Once we got there he got the baby and my bag and I got the baby bag out the car. 

Taj and Careesha got a bigger house last month so now they have 4 bedrooms and they turned the extra room to an actual guest room.

Taj and I went upstairs.

"They left this in here" Taj said seeing a basinet.

"Yea it was Cameron's" I said he's my now 3 year old nephew.

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