49. New Orleans Anniversary pt 2

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Next Day


"G this lil ass boat hell nah" I said seeing the boat they had us going on to ride through the swamp.

"G stop acting like a bitch, nigga you know how summers was going out PawPaw house and shit" he said.

"Niggas was young as hell not knowing what the fuck was happening" I said to him.

"Yea I don't know about this" Drew said.

"Man y'all some pussies" Rico said.

"Nigga you trippin" I said to him.

I looked at Tierra and she was still half way sleep from our late night out and then coming here at the ass crack of dawn.

We all got on the boat and the guy went over the rules and guidelines.

As we drove across the bayou Tierra fell asleep and I held her close just incase I had to fuck up one of the alligators about my babies.

The guy parked the boat and threw out some fish and a few alligators came up.

"G that bitch getting to close" Drew called out.

I looked to where he was pointing.

"Oh that's just my baby Dorthy, come on up here girl" the guide called out.

"The fuck you mean come up here G" I asked.

"What happened" Tierra asked looking around.

"Aight G it's time to move" I said when the gator got right beside the boat.

The guy threw a piece of fish but it came up short and landed on the boat and before he could grab it the gators mouth and arm came up on the boat and we all jumped up even Rico brave ass.

The gator took the fish and got off the boat.

I stood in front of Tierra holding her back securely.

"G hell nah" Drew said.

"Yea G gone get us back" I said.

"She don't mean no harm I've been raising her since she was a little baby we do that to play with tourist" the guy said laughing.

"Sir you see the color of our skin we don't play like that" Toya said and he laughed.

The guy started up the boat and we sat down.

"You okay, my baby good" I asked Tierra as I rubbed her stomach.

"Yes we're okay" she said tiredly.

I nodded and kissed her cheek. After the ride we went back and they all went to get food while Tierra and I went back to our room since she couldn't keep her eyes open.

After taking a shower we got in bed and she fell asleep as soon as we laid down. I laid spooning her as she fell asleep.

I kissed the side of her face.

I knew she was tired she had her mouth slightly opened and she softly snored.

I took a quick video of her because she swore she doesn't snore.

My phone started ringing and I saw it was my baby calling from her iPad that I got her for her birthday.

I got out of bed and slipped on my slides and went on the balcony we had. I took my blunt out my pocket as I answered her call.

"Hi fat mamas" I said looking at her little face she had her whole face in the camera.

"Daddy you didn't answer for 4 times" she said.

"I let it ring to long my bad mamas I had to check and make sure mommy and the baby were okay" I said.

"Where is mommy and my baby brother" she asked.

"They sleep well mommy sleep, his ass probably in there doing backflips" I said.

"I want to see daddy" she said.

I went in the room and showed her Tierra in bed sleeping and then I went back out on the porch.

"Daddy I miss you this much already" she said holding her hands out wide.

"I miss you to mamas imma be home soon and we can go get ice cream just me and you" I said.

"And mommy and my baby brother and Papa" she said.

"You want them to come to" I asked lighting up my blunt.

She nodded.

"Okay they can come but if you change your mind they ain't gotta come" I said.

"I won't them, did mommy forget to get me something" she said.

Just seeing how far her vocabulary was growing to be and she just turned 3 amazes me.

"No we got you some stuff" I said.

"Okay" she said yawning.

I looked and it was about her nap time.

"You about to take a nap" I asked her.

She nodded.

"Daddy I'm laying in nanas bed and she said- she said I can stay on the phone with you and take my nap" she said.

"That's cool, prop your iPad up on the case so I can still see you while you laying down" I said.

She nodded I watched her eyes grow heavy.

"Where's your brother" I asked.

"JJ room" she said.

I nodded.

I sat on the phone with her as I smoked and looked out at the city. It was cool out here for a vacation but I know how it could really go in the city if you out here too long.

After I smoked I went inside and changed my clothes Tierra hating when I smell like weed. I had the munchies so I called up Rico and he was still at the restaurant so I put in an order for me and Tierra when she got up.

I stayed up watching tv waiting for them to bring me my food. We had some leftover snacks from the flight so I ate some of that as I waited.

Once they got back I ate my food watching ESPN.

"Taj" I heard Tierra call out as I finished up my ribs.

I got up and went to the room.

"You okay" I asked seeing her look at me.

"Come to bed" she said.

"Aight I'm coming" I said and she got back comfortable.

I went and put the trash up and I cut off the tv. I drank some of my water and then went and got in bed with her.

I laid in bed with her and kissed on her neck as she laid asleep. I placed my hand on her belly and rubbed the bottom of it.

I started to get hard and she knew it when she rubbed her ass against me.

I took my hand off her belly and caressed her breast while sucking on her neck.

She placed her hand on my wrist as she laid with her eyes closed.

I took myself out my boxers and slid my shirt she had on up a little and I slowly slid in. I held her from behind as I fucked her slowly while rubbing her stomach to calm my son down.

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