41. Shaken

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June 3rd

Tierra POV

I pushed the double stroller as we walked to the car. I had my two kids with me and then Jay and Mika. I decided to bring them all to a park nearby where we lived that also has a trail.

The kids played for an hour and then we walked the trail. My babies were sleep while Jay and Mika were hungry and ready to go and so was I.

I hit the locks on the car key as we approached the car.

"Run me them keys bitch" I heard.

I looked back and a guy with a ski mask and all black on stood behind me.

"Aye" Jay said.

"What you wanna do lil nigga" the guy said pulling out a gun.

I pushed Jay back holding my arm out to move him and Mika behind me by the stroller.

"Look you want the keys here just take it" I said to him handing it to him I could feel my body shaking.

He snatched it.

"Next time you see someone like me you listen nigga you got lucky this time you might not be next time" the guy said waving his gun.

"Just go you got what you want" I said to him. 

He looked me up and down.

"I should take yo fine ass with me but this good enough" he said holding the keys.

He looked around and then got in the car surprisingly he knew how to drive it being it was a stick shift.

I looked at the kids.

"Are y'all okay" I asked.

"Man that nigga a pussy he lucky my brother ain't here" Jay said upset.

"Calm down okay" I said rubbing his shoulder I hugged him and Mika to me.

"Tierra you're shaking" Mika said.

"I'm okay" I lied.

It started to get harder to breathe but I didn't want to scare them.

"Let's go sit and call the police" I said.

We went to a near by bench and sat down I was glad my babies were asleep.

I called the police and Jay called Taj like I knew he would. The police came and started asking questions.

"Ma'am you okay" the lady officer asked me.

I nodded.

"I just want to get home and take them home" I said become short of breath.

She took my hand and held my wrists.

"Sweetheart you're having a panic attack I'm gonna need you to take slow easy breaths. Get us a medic" she said.

I tried to slow down my breathing as I rubbed my hand up and down my thigh.

She spoke to me trying to calm me down.

"Taj said he's coming" Jay said and I nodded.

An ambulance came and they tried to put me in the back but I told them I was okay.

"Tierra" I heard Taj as he came over.

"Excuse me sir relation" an officer said stopping him from getting to us.

"That's my wife" Taj said.

I nodded and they let him through.

"Y'all good, what happened" he asked me.

"Baby" I said standing and then everything went dark.

When I woke up I was on the back of the ambulance with an oxygen mask on.

"My kids" I said.

The medic just looked at me confused.

I removed the mask.

"Where are my kids" I asked.

"Your husband has them and your little siblings, he's right behind us" he said.

I nodded and put the mask back on and I was out again.

When I woke back up I was still in the ambulance but the doors were opened and they wheeled me off and got me to a room.

They asked me all types of questions and then got me on an IV.

Once I was stable they let my family come to the room. Taj mom was with him which is how he got to us.

His mom stayed up there with the kids for an hour and then they left leaving just me and Taj.

Ty came up after they left.

"G the fuck happened" Ty asked looking at me.

"They saying some nigga robbed her and took the car. Nigga pulled a fucking gun out on them G" Taj said upset.

I took his hand and he looked at me.

I removed my mask with my other hand.

"I'm okay, we're okay" I said.

Ty came over and kissed my forehead.

"Imma handle that shit" Ty said and dapped Taj up and left. I knew I couldn't stop my brother but I'd be damned if Taj got involved.

"Taj" I said to him.

He looked at me.

"Promise you'll leave it alone" I said.

"G he robbed y'all at gun point" Taj said.

"Taj" I said more serious with tears in my eyes.

"Promise me" I said getting worked up.

"I promise" he said and came over and kissed all over my face.

I held the sides of his face.

"Imma leave it alone" he said.

I nodded.

"Thank you" I said and he kissed my lips.

They put me on some anti depressants and said I had to stay off my birth control shots for the next 3 months until I was cleared to be off my medication.

The discharged me once my heart rate was back to a safe number. We went home his mom keeping the kids for the night.

I showered and then Taj and I went to bed and it was going on 2am and he had to work but he called off to be with me for the day. 


I jumped out of my sleep and placed my hand on my chest.

"What's wrong you okay" Taj asked sitting up looking at me.

I ran my hands through my hair and went into the bathroom closing the door behind me and locking it.

I sat on the closed toilet ignoring Taj knocking and I cried in my hands. I cried until I couldn't cry any more.

I cleaned my face and left out the bathroom and Taj nearly fell because he was leaning on the door.

He wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm okay" I said.

"You're not I know you were scared and I wish I was there that shit wouldn't have went that way" he said kissing my head.

He rubbed my back.

"I love you" I said after a moment.

"I love you too" he said.

I looked at him.

"Tell me what you need" he said.

"I need you" I said to him and he nodded.

He lifted me up and laid me on my bed and we made out.

"This the last time we can do this raw" I said to him.

"I know" he said kissing me.

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