2. Block Party

44 3 0

August 1st


"So you said this who function" I asked as Rico and I walked up to a near by house.

There was people everywhere with music playing.

"Chris he in BRB every summer he has a block party and damn near all of south side come out" he said.

"What up Ric" a light skin short nigga said walking up.

"What up nigga this my cousin Taj" he introduced me.

"Oh shit what up fam I'm Ant" he said and we dapped up.

"Shit what she looking like" Rico asked him.

I stood just scoping the scene, it was people of all ages out here.

"Shit nigga the hoes is out I'm about to go slide on the one shorty over there" he nodded.

Rico and I looked seeing a brown skin girl smiling our way.

"Shit do you then" Rico said dapping him up.

"You know that" Ant said walking towards the girl.

I looked at Rico.

"He in BRB" I asked.

"Yea" he said and I nodded.

We walked around and Rico introduced me to more people he knew which was damn near the whole party of people.

We went to the back of the house and even more people were back there and they had a DJ with drinks and food out here.

We ended up standing with some of his homeboys.

"You smoke" Keyshawn asked me holding out the blunt.

"I'm good man" I said to him.

He nodded and passed it to the guy on the other side of him. I smoked but not with just anyone or anything. Especially if I ain't see where it came from.

I started smoking earlier this year when my parents started to fuss and fight a lot more. Shit was helped me get through that shit.

After about 20 minutes of being out there I had to go piss so I let Rico know.

I walked inside and made it through a crowd of people in the hall way and was able to get to the bathroom.

After handling my business I stepped out.

I saw a guy and girl arguing they looked around my age. I started to walk by and mind my business until I saw the guy raise his hand to hit her.

I stepped in and grabbed his wrist.

"Aye nigga we not doing that" I said looking at him.

He shrugged me off him and I let him go.

"Man nigga get the fuck off me" he said to me.

I looked at the girl.

She was skinny and dark skin with light brown eyes.

"You good" I asked her.

She looked up at me, I was taller than her and I'm 6'2 but she was pretty tall herself for a girl.

"Nigga this my bitch the fuck you doing" the dude said shoving me.

I looked up at him as I stood in front of her.

"Don't disrespect her like that and nigga push me again" I said looking at him pulling my pants up. 

He was about to but a guy grabbed him.

"G what's going on" Rico said looking at me.

"Nigga you better get your people's" the guy said to Rico.

I looked at the nigga and laughed.

"What's going on" Rico asked.

"He tried to put his hands on me" the girl said from behind me.

"Kanye you know not to fuck with her" Rico said to him.

"Man whatever nigga you better hope I never catch up with yo bitch ass" the nigga said walking off.

I shook my head and looked at Rico.

"Man he just a goofy" he said to me.

"You good" he asked the girl.

"Yea" she said to him and looked at me.

"Thank you anyone else would've just looked the other way" she said to me.

"It's cool I'm Taj by the way" I said to her.

"Im Tierra" she smiled.

She had braces but she still had a nice as smile.

I smiled too.

"You ready to go G you know Granny on that curfew shit" Rico asked me.

"Yea" I said to him.

"You want us to walk you home" Rico asked Tierra.

"No my brother is up front so I'm about to go with him" she said.

"Aight and leave that goofy ass nigga alone G" Rico said to her.

"Don't worry he's fucking done" she said.

"Good" Rico said.

She told me bye as she left out the front door behind us, me and Rico making our way down the street back to the crib.

"How you end up in that" he asked me.

"Man I was coming out the bathroom and saw dude finna hit her and you know ion play with shit like that" I said.

"Man that nigga would've done that shit I promise he wouldn't have made it out the house alive but I'm glad you stepped in. Tierra like a lil sister to me" he said.

I nodded.

We got home smelling food.

I walked into the kitchen and greeted my mom and Granny.

"Go ahead and shower baby the food will be done when you come down" Granny said.

"Okay" I said smiling and she smiled too.

I went ahead upstairs and since no one was in the shower in my mom and Tiaras shared room I used theirs.

Later that month school started and the school was pretty smooth. It was just like my middle school on the west.

I never had many friends I just knew a good bit of people. With Rico and I begin the same age and in a lot of the same classes for the most part I just hung with him and his homeboys and they all were pretty cool.

With me being the new kid a lot of females flocked my way but none really caught my attention so I didn't really pay them any attention.

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