56. Happy Holidays

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Dec 24th

Tierra POV

"You gonna put sprinkles on yours too mamas" I asked Heiress.

Taj and I were in the kitchen with the kids while they decorate their Christmas cookies for Santa.

"No mommy sparkles" she said picking up some pink sparkles.

"I'm gonna do green sprinkles and black" Titan said.

"And red you like red Papa" Heiress said to him.

I watched them as I fed Tahir some baby banana food.

"Maybe just a little red" Titan said so she passed him the red and he thanked her.

Taj sat with Heiress in his lap and was eating the extra cookies they had since his ass was high.

"Mommy are we gonna watch a movie too" Heiress asked looking at me and Titan and Taj looked up at me as well.

"Yes daddy wants us to watch Scrooge" I said.

"Scrooge" Titan asked confused.

"It's my favorite Christmas movie" Taj said to him.

"My favorite is grinch daddy" Heiress said putting nearly a pound of glitter on one of her three cookies.

"Mamama" Tahir said.

"Yea you say mama" I cooed at him.

He smiled showing his two dimples and said it some more.

After I finished feeding him I went and bathed him and Titan together while Taj and Heiress cleaned up the kitchen.

Once I got them dressed I put Tahir in his walker and Titan played with him while he sat in it.

"Come on mamas so we can take a bath" I said to Heiress as I went into the kitchen.

"A bubble bath mommy with the pink stuff" she asked.

She and I took a bubble bath and I let her do bubbles and a bath bomb for my birthday and she felt like now we have to do it every time I said let's take a bath.

"Not tonight mamas" I said.

"Tomorrow" she asked walking over to me.

"We'll see" I said and she nodded.

We went to my bathroom and took a shower together and then got out putting on our matching robes.

We put lotion on and then we went back to the living room and I set the kids up to get ready for our movie while Taj took a shower.

I cleaned up the kitchen letting them watch cartoons.

By the time I finished Taj was out so we watched the movie and then put the kids to bed.

Once we were sure they were out cold he ate more of the cookies and drank the milk and then his mom brought the kids gifts over.

We hid them at her house like we did every year so they could think Santa brought their gifts Christmas Eve and the few gifts already under the tree they thought those were just the only gifts from us.

After putting the gifts out Taj mom left and then he and I went to bed.

Next morning

I kissed Taj face a few times as I sat in his lap.

He slowly blinked his eyes open.

"What time is it" he asked.

"It's 8" I said to him.

"The kids up" he asked.

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