20. Gender Reveal

17 1 0

September 4th


I kissed on Tierras neck as we sat in my car. I brought her out to get some food and because she wanted us to talk.

"What's up with you, why you being so standoffish" I said.

"I thought she called me to come get her cause she needed some dick but her energy wasn't matching that.

She sighed.

"My mom is putting me out she says I have until the baby is born" he said.

"Damn you serious" I asked.

"I told you her saying way before we even had Titan" she said.

"I mean but you her daughter" I said.

"She don't give a fuck about that shit" she said.

I sighed.

"I can't get no place in my name yet but I'll talk to my mom and if she say no I'll talk to Granny. If that don't work we'll thug it out in a hotel until I'm 18" I said.

She finally smiled.

"Okay" she said softly.

"We gone be good. I'm excited for tomorrow" I said.

We have a gender reveal tomorrow to find out what the baby is.

"Yea I think it's another boy" she said rubbing her stomach.

"Nah I think this my baby girl" I said placing my hand on her stomach.  

"We'll see. What else do you want to do since it's your 17th birthday also" she asked.

"I just want to chill with y'all. I was thinking about getting a room tomorrow for me you and Pop to chill in" I said.

"That would be nice and you can give me a massage because my back" she said.

"I got you" I said kissing the side of her face.
I moved my hand down to her pants and rubbed her vagina through her shorts.

She looked at me and we made out.

"You gone come sit on it" I asked.

She looked around I had purposely sat us in the back of the parking lot and I also have dark tints so we were good.

She nodded and I moved my seat back and she climbed over facing the steering wheel.

Next Day

"Shit I'm nervous" I said to Tierra as I stood holding Titan and the balloon for us to pop. 

"I'm excited" she smiled.

"Okay y'all ready" her mom asked.

I looked at Jay, Tiara and Mika they held poppers.

"Yes" Tierra said.

So my mom did a count down and then we popped the balloon and they popped the poppers and pink came out everywhere.

I smiled. 

"We're having a little me" she said excited.

Tiara ran over.

"I'm getting a niece" she said hugging us.

I smiled.

Tierra and I shared a kiss and Tiara let us go. We only had our parents, and siblings out in my mom's backyard and we had my cousin Rico and Trinity and Toya here.

Everyone came and hugged us.

"You getting a baby sister Pop" I said to Titan.

"Baby" he said.

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