5. Thanksgiving Break

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Tierra POV

Trinity, Taj, Toya, Rico and I ended up going to the movies today. For the last 3 days of thanksgiving break we've all been hanging out.

"Where you going" I asked Toya when she got up walking past me.

I sat beside Taj and then there was an empty seat and then Trinity and Rico sat beside it.

"Drew is getting us some snacks" she said.

"He here" I asked.

"Yes I'm not about to keep third wheeling" she said.

"G how you third wheeling" I asked.

She looked at me then Taj and back at me and before walking off.

"She so extra" I said to Taj.

I ate some of the pop corn he got us to share.

He just shrugged.

I didn't notice he had his arm rested on the back of my chair until he did.

By the time Toya and Drew came in the movie started. We were watching a scary movie and I wasn't a fan of them but I didn't want to seem scary when the guys wanted to see it.

The movie was getting pretty good.

One jump scare scene came up almost making me jump out of my body.

I hid my face in Taj arm.

He laughed and looked at me.

"That's not funny" I said looking at him.

"G you was really scared" he asked.

"Yes, I don't know how y'all aren't" I said.

"It's cool I got you" he said and wrapped one arm around me.

We watched the movie and I felt a little better as he hugged me to him. On scary parts I would squeeze his leg a little and he just let me.

After the movie we left out and walked outside to go to the mall.

"Shit it's cold" I said.

"Here" Taj said unzipping his coat.

"No you'll be cold" I said looking at him.

"I got this thick ass hoodie on" he said taking off his coat.

He put it on me.

"Thank you" I smiled looking at him. 

"You're welcome" he said.

When I looked forward I saw Toya and Trinity smiling at me and I playfully rolled my eyes.

It was a lot of people in the mall so we had to walk through a few crowds.

Taj took my hand and lead me through the crowd. Once we made it through and to everyone else I was relieved.

I wasn't a fan of big crowds of people.

He looked at me as he stood directly from me.

"You okay I felt you squeeze my hand" he said.

That made me realize we were still holding hands so I let his go.

"Yea I don't really care for big crowds" I said.

He nodded.

We went over to the group and we all went around and window shopped getting little things here and there.

We ate together at the food court. Once everyone's rides were here, mine being with Trinity we all left.

"Today was fun" she said looking at me as her older sister drove.

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