44. Thanksgiving Dinner

13 1 0

Nov 24th


"Hey Mrs Tami" I said hugging her after Tierra.

"Hey baby, hey honey sweet pea" she said to Heiress.

Heiress leaned in and let her kiss her cheek.

"Y'all go ahead and take those trays to the kitchen" she said.

I nodded and followed Tierra to the kitchen. We put the two trays down and then left out. We took the kids to the den and they played in there with their cousins.

Rico was here since Trinity and Tierra moms are sisters.

"What up" he said as we dapped up.

"Nothing much" I said.

He hugged Tierra and then told her the ladies were in the living room.

I kicked it with him and some of the other men here as we sat in the living room watching the game.

Once the food was ready we all gathered around the dinning room. Mr Richard lead the prayer and then everyone made their plates.

Mrs Tami had a little table for the kids to sit at so they sat and ate there.

"So Tierra I heard your finally out of my sisters basement" Tierras aunt Cathy said. I met her at the reception.

Tierra didn't say anything she just continued to eat.

"Hoe I know you hear my mama talking to you" her daughter Sariyah said.

"Aye ain't no need for all that" I said looking at her.

"Sariyah you and your mama can leave me alone and stay up out my business. Why you worried about where I'm working at you need to be worried about where yo man at because I heard he still ain't come back home and that he round here with a girl yo daughter age" Tierra said.

"Baby come on" I said looking at her.

"You have always been so disrespectful you lucky you ain't never come to my house I would've set you straight" she said.

"Dusty ass bitch" Sariyah said loud enough for those on our end to hear.

"I got your bitch" Tierra said and threw her drink on her and grabbed her trying to drag her over the table.

"Tierra chill" I said standing holding her back.

All the adults got up and I was able to get Tierra away from the table and I walked her outside.

"Taj put me down" she yelled.

"Aye chill the fuck out I ain't do shit to you" I said calmly as I put her down. We stood by our car.

"I'm sorry I just don't know why the fuck my mama invited them here anyways she know I can't be around them" she said.

I rubbed her shoulders. She was so amped up she ain't even know it was damn near about to snow out here and neither of us had our coats on.

"I know look imma get the kids and we gone go aight" I said.

"I'm coming in the house too it's almost 30 degrees out here" she said.

"Aight but G chill just stay in the foyer" I said.

"Mm hm" she said.

"Tierra" I said looking at her.

"Okay Taj damn" she said annoyed.

I shook my head and held her hand leading us back into the house.

I could hear loud talking and arguing.

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