42. New Car

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July 2nd


I punched the nigga in his face so hard he fell out the chair.

"Lift his ass back up" I said so one of the guys did and I punched him again and the chair fell again.

I went and got a gun off the table and beat that nigga face in.

"Nigga do you know who the fuck you messing with" I said looking down at him.

"Roc I ain't know that was your bitch" the guy cried.

I hit him again and he spit out a tooth.

"You watch your mouth speaking on my wife. You pulled a gun on her and threatened my lil brother nigga this yo last day breathing" I said and shot him straight in his head.

I cleaned the gun and put it down.

"Clean his goofy ass up" I said leaving out.

I stopped by my moms since she wasn't home and I changed my clothes. The nigga stole the car and sold it with all our shit in there.

Luckily he sold it to someone I knew and I was able to track it down so I now had it back.

I drove home after picking up some food from Harold's.

I went into the house and took off my shoes we had hardwood through the house except for the rooms they had carpet.

Tierra sat on the sofa with the kids and the kids were sleep while she sat watching tv.

"Hey" I said kissing her.

"Hey" she said lowly.

She was on some antidepressants but them shits had her mellow and not herself I couldn't wait until she stopped taking them.

"I got some food for when y'all ready to eat" I said.

She nodded.

"Okay" she said.

I went and put the food on the table in the kitchen.

"Imma go shower you coming" I asked.

She shook her head no.

I nodded and went and took a shower. Getting out I went to the living room and she was asleep.

I took the kids to their room and put them both on Titans bottom bunk. Heiress hated sleeping by herself in her own bed so she mostly sleeps in bed with Titan so she'll sleep through the night.

I went and smoked out back and then I made me a plate of food. I went to the living room.

"Hm" Tierra said looking up at me as she woke up.

"Where's the kids" she asked.

"I put them in bed, you want some" I asked holding up my plate.

She shook her head no.

"You want to watch a movie" I asked.

She shook her head and left out and I watched her go to the kids room.

I changed the channel and found some new shit to watch.

2 weeks later

"Baby I want a new car and something that's more of a family car" Tierra said as I drove to get the kids from Granny's she had just gotten off and I picked her up.

"Okay you want to go look at some shit today we can trade this in" I said.

"Yes" she said.

My mustang was my baby but for her and my family I complied.

We got the kids and then went to the car lot. We found a black dodge charger she liked so we traded in my car and drive off in our new car.

"You like it" I asked looking at her.

She nodded.

"I know you didn't want to sell your baby but after all that shit" she said.

"I get it" I said nodding.

She smiled and we shared a quick kiss.

We got home and changed the kids clothes. We were getting prepared for Titan to start preschool next month so we've been buying what all he needs for school here and there.

It felt like just yesterday Tierra told me she was pregnant and now my Junior was about to start school.

The kids played in their room while Tierra sat on the couch on her laptop.

"Aight so Cliff was able to get him in tow days before for his hair cut" I said sitting beside her.

"Okay" she said.

I took her feet and massaged it. I brought her foot up and kissed her feet.

"Taj please" she said and got up and left out the living room.

Ever since the incident the only thing she lets me do is kiss her. I was giving her; her space because it's supposed to be apart of her anti depressants.

But I was ready to pour them shits out she already wasn't being herself but now I couldn't even touch her.

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