51. May the 5th

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May 5th

Tierra POV

I sat in my salon chair having just finished my client and it felt like Tahir was sitting on my blatter and just kicking the shit out of me.

"Your husband coming to get you" Claudia one of the other hairstylist asked me.

"Yes ma'am" I said to her as I sat in pain. 

"You sure you okay" mrs April another lady asked. I was the youngest and brought a whole new demographic into the salon.

While they were in your basic roller set, which I still do on my older clients from time to time, I was doing lace fronts and all.

"It's the Braxton hicks and I'm not even supposed to really be working but it was a hair emergency as you all saw" I said.

"Sure was look like a dog tore that girls hair up" Claudia said and we all laughed.

"Ooh" I hissed as I rubbed my stomach.

"Well baby when you do" mrs April asked.

"Next week on the 14th" I answered.

"Girl you here, Taj is gone get you" Angel said walking past she was just coming in.

"He sure is you know you not supposed to be on your feet" Claudia said.

"Tierra" I heard and we all looked and it was Taj and he looked pissed.

"There he go" Mrs April said walking off and Claudia went back to her stations but still all in my business.

He walked over.

"Taj please don't start just come on I'm already in pain" I said.

"Cause you don't listen" he said helping me out the chair.

We said bye to everyone and I got my purse and we left out. As we approached the car I felt my water break.

"Taj" I said grabbing his arm.

"What" he said looking at me.  

I looked between my legs and my tights were stained.

"You just pissed" he asked.

"It's my water" I said starting to feel a contraction.

I squeezed his hand and held my breath.

"Tierra breathe" he said and I took slow breaths.

He hugged me and I leaned against him.

"It's okay I got you even though yo ass shouldn't have been here" he said kissing my head.

I forcefully patted his chest my other hand holding his forearm.

"You breathing" he asked as I stood with my eyes closed.

I just nodded.

Once the contraction went away we got in the car and he drove me up the street to the hospital.

"The baby bag" I asked.

"It's in the trunk imma go get a wheel chair okay try and call my mom and your mom" he said. 

"Wait" I said grabbing his shirt when another contraction hit.

He leaned over and rubbed my back and kissed my head repeatedly as I laid against him having a contraction.

They were coming in faster now.

Once it passed he quickly got out and came back with a doctor and security. They took his keys and he got the baby bag and they wheeled me inside.

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