8. Return of the Mac

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Tierra POV

I sat in my bed laying down scrolling through instagram.

I saw Taj trying to FaceTime me so I answered.

"Hey" I said haven't heard from him since he got sent to Juvie for hitting a teacher.

"Hey I ain't think you'd answer" he said.

"Why not, it's still early" I said.

I looked at my phone and it was only 10:23pm.

"No I meant I ain't think you'd want to hear from me after what happened" he said.

"Why not you didn't do nothing wrong I know how Mr Green is" I said.

"Man I wanted to do more than just punch that goofy ass cracker in his mouth he kept going with that boy shit wanting a reaction" he said.

"We all know he racist I don't know how he ain't fired literally every black student he's had always leaves his class and comes to Mrs Abrahams" I said.

"Yea well now I ain't gotta deal with him no more" he said.

"You coming to Mrs A class" I asked.

"Nah they got me going to exclusionary school now" he said.

"Wait why we only got like a month left" I said.

"I know but because he pressed charges and shit I had to be expelled" he said.

"That's so dumb" I said.

"I know now I can't see your pretty face in the halls and at lunch and shit" he said.

I blushed looking at him.

I could see he was laying in bed as well.

"I am going to miss you walking me to class and holding my books" I said.

"And imma miss doing that shit. You won't ever carry no heavy shit around me" he said.

I smiled.

"You coming to my brothers party this weekend it's at his house" I said.

Ty was just about to turn 18. The only reason he had to move out was because him and his girlfriend of 5 years, Careesha just had a second son and my mom always says one baby she could do but two and we're through. Meaning he had to get the fuck up out of her house.

"Rico did mention that shit. If I can get a cut and get my moms to braid my hair in time I'll slide through" he said.

"I can braid your hair" I said.

"You do hair" he asked.

"Yea in my moms basement, what you doing tomorrow at like 3 so right after school" I asked.

"I was gonna just chill since I don't go back to school until Monday" he said.

"Okay we'll come over I'll braid your hair and wash it and everything" I said.

"Aight I'll be there" he said.

I nodded.

I yawned covering my mouth.

"Go ahead and go to sleep I don't want to keep you up" he said.

"No I want to stay on the phone with you. I haven't heard from you in two months" I said poking out my bottom lip.

"Well just prop the phone up I won't hang up til I know you sleep" he said.

"You about to play the game or something" I asked.

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