9. Family

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Tierra POV

"Okay I'll see you later" I said to Taj and we shared a kiss.

I walked up to my house and went inside.

"Ooh mommy Mocha kissed a boy" Mika my little sister called out.

"G chill out" I said rolling my eyes.

"Tierra" my mom called out from the living room. 

"Yes" I said taking off my shoes.

She ain't say shit.

I blew my breath and walked to the living room. She looked up at me as Mika sat beside her watching tv.

"Yes" I asked.

"Who you kissing and why" my mom asked.

I messed with my fingers.

"My boy friend" I said trying to hide my smile.

"Tierra" she said.

I looked up at her.

"Do I need to put you on birth control" she asked.

I made a face.

"No we not even doing that" I said.

"Tierra let me know now because you ain't about to come to me later saying you pregnant" she said. 

"Ma we not doing nothing any time soon I swear" I said.

"Okay and you better come tell me if you do" she said.

I nodded.

"So who is it" she asked.

I smiled.

"Taj" I said.

"I knew it was something you always bringing that boy around here but tell him don't get fucked up" she said.

"Okay" I said.

"Go ahead upstairs but remember what I said" she said.

"Okay" I said again before leaving out.

That went better than expected.

Kanye and I were only together for like 2 months and have only ever kissed once. So I never really told my mom about him.

Taj felt more serious and I knew if I wasn't honest now and she found out later she would've been pissed.

I went to my room and saw he had called me twice so I called him back.

"Hey baby I was talking to my mom so I didn't see your call" I said.

"It's cool I was just letting you know I made it home" he said.

I nodded.

"Why you smiling so hard" he asked.

"I told my mom about us" I said.

"Yea" he asked.

I nodded.

"Mika snitched about seeing us kiss so I had to tell her. She asked do I need birth control but I told her we're not doing anything" I said.

He nodded.

"I want you to meet my mom, siblings and Granny soon too" he said.

I nodded.

"Okay" I said.

We sat on the phone for a few before he had to help his mom run errands.

When we went on break for thanksgiving he invited me over and I got to meet his mom, siblings and grandparents.

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