25. War Zone

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May 9th


"I'm gonna see you later okay Papa" Tierra said as she held Titan.

We were getting ready to go to her brothers 21st birthday party.

"I love you" Tierra said kissing the side of his head.

"Love you mama" he said to her.

"Aight you ready" I asked now having my shoes on.

She nodded.

"Aight Pop go ahead in the kitchen with Nana and get you a fruit snack" I said taking him from Tierra.

I kissed his head.

"I love you and I'll see you later aight" I said.

"Okay" he said.

"You love dada" I asked him.

He nodded.

"I love dada" he said.

We shared a pound and I put him down.

"Ma we finna go" I called out.

"Stop yelling you know toots is sleep" she said walking into the kitchen frame where I could see her.

"Come on Junie" she called out to Titan and he ran over to her.

"Thank you again ms Pat" Tierra said.

"Y'all go have fun we'll see y'all later" my mom said taking Titans hand and they walked back into the kitchen.

I opened the front door and let Tierra out first. We went to the car and I opened her door and she got in and I closed it.

I got in having just got it detailed yesterday after Titan had crumbs on my carpet.

"His gift in the trunk" she asked as I drove.

"Yea" I said placing my right hand on her thigh.

She nodded.

We drove to Ty's house.

This was his welcome home and 21st birthday so as expected all of BRB and Southside was there.

In the streets Ty goes by Southside as well and most knew me as Roc a nickname I adopted when I lived out west.

An uncle of mine gave it to me when they saw me knock a kid out when I was in elementary with one hit. He said I knocked the boy out as if I was using a rock.

"All these fucking people" Tierra said.

"It might get hot so I ain't trynna be here too long" I said parking damn near a block from where Ty stayed.

"What you mean" she said looking at me confused.

I looked at her as I cut off the car.

"Nothing come on" I said.

I got out and went to the trunk before she came to the back I put my gun on my waistline and I grabbed Tys gift.

I closed the trunk and she walked over and fixed the bag as she took it.

I held her hand and we walked down the street and I was on high alert it would've been one thing if it was just me here but now I had my baby with me.

We walked into the house and I held her hand leading the way inside.

"Oh shit I know that ain't who I think it is" one of the guys I grew up with from the west said walking over.

"What up E" I said and we dapped up.

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