28. Regular Day

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Next Day

Tierra POV

"I'll see you later okay" I said to Mika as I let her out the car.

"Okay, bye Taj" she said to him.

"Aight lil bit" Taj said to her and they did their handshake he had one for everyone.

"Can I come over one more time before school comes back" Mika asked.

"Yea I'll check my schedule to see my next off day so we all can actually go do something" I said.

"Okay" she asked and hugged me and I hugged her back.

"I love you" I said to her.

"I love you more" she said.

I smiled as she looked at me and I kissed her cheek.

Richard opened the door and with her being a daddies girl she ran to the door. I waved to him and got back in the car.

"She's a good kid" Taj said.

I laughed.

"What" he said looking at me.

I put my seatbelt on. 

"You say that like you not one" I said.

"G imma grown ass man" he said.

"Whatever come on before I'm late" I said.

He shook his head and drove. We went downtown and he dropped me off.

"Imma get you on my lunch break so you can take me back and have the car" he said.

"Okay" I said and we shared a kiss and then I went into my aunts salon.

I greeted everyone and went to the back and signed in and put what time I came in and then I put my stuff up in my locker she had back here and then I went back into the salon area.

"Hey Sassy come with me" my aunt Toni said.

She's called me that for as long as I could remember.

"Okay" I said and followed her.

"So I got these boxes right here I need you to go to each station and there's a checklist of what all each station should have. So I just need you to restock each station with all these products okay" she said.

"Okay am I still washing hair or just doing this" I asked.

"You can do this in between washing hair. There's two girls already up front you can get them washed and under the dryer" she said.

"Okay" I said.

"Thank you sass" she said.

I smiled.

"You're welcome" I said.

I went up front and got the two ladies and lead them to the back and got them both washed and under the dryer.

I came to the salon Friday, Saturdays and Sundays the busiest days for 5 hours a day and I make 12 an hour.

Which is pretty decent money for a part time job. My aunt had it to look like I was an intern so I could put it on my transcript when I apply for hair school when I graduate.

On the days I'm not here I still do hair in my moms basement when I get those calls. It worked out great because I was able to be with my kids more while making money.

Taj nearly worked day in and day out most days so it was good that one of us had the kids for the most part rather than them being at his grandparents all the time.

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