39. New Home

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Dec 5th


"Ma is everything good because we about to be on our way" I asked my mom as I stood outside the house on the phone with her.

"Pop don't touch that" I said seeing Titan try to  grab a frog.

"Yes we already left to go get rid of these boxes but y'all are good" she said.

"Okay thank you" I said.

"Of course" she said.

"Dada" Heiress said.

"Yes mamas" I said putting my phone back my pocket.

She pointed out a butterfly that flew near us.

"Yea you see the butterfly" I asked her.

"Bu fly dada" she said.

"Yea" I said smiling.

She smiled too.

Tierra came out. Today was her birthday and I told her I wanted us to go view some places.

"Papa get out the grass come on" Tierra said to him.

He ran to her and we went to the car.

"So this first one is pretty decent it's only a two bedroom but it ain't in the hood and it's a little over budget but I feel like we can make that shit work" I said.

"What's over budget" she asked as I drove.

"1100 a month" I said.

"Okay not as bad but you said a two bedroom and it's out the hood" she asked.

I nodded.  

When I pulled up I left her and the kids in the car and pretended to get a key from the rent office. I drove us to our apartment and we got the kids out.

"So they gonna meet us up here" Tierra asked as we walked into the building and down to the door.

"No she said I can just bring the key back since they don't have anyone in for us to give a tour" I said.

She nodded.

I held Heiress hand and she held Titans. I opened the door and we walked in.

"Oh this is a model home it's nice" she said seeing it was already furnished.

"Yea the decorations are nice though something you might like" I asked.

"Yea especially with this black and white. My mom and I was actually looking at a couch like that the other day" she said.

"Shit nice" I nodded.

We looked around the house viewing the kitchen and living room first.

"Daddy I have a juice" Titan asked.

"Ju dada" Heiress asked.

"Papa it's empty" Tierra said opening the fridge.

There were a few drinks in here.

"I guess it ain't" I said.

"Well I don't want them drinking these people stuff" she said.

"G I'll leave them $5 I doubt they notice" I said.

She rolled her eyes but got two juices for the kids.

"Let's go see the rooms" I said.

We went to the back and saw the kids bathroom and then our room.

"This is very nice" she said looking at the bathroom. 

I thought she'd notice the picture of us in the room but she looked right past it and looked at the closet.

It was empty we had to still bring our clothes over. We then went to the kids room and she stopped seeing the two separately decorated sides.

One was princess themed and the other was monster trucks but the kids names were smelled out above their beds.

I put Heiress down and she went with Titan to the toy box.

"Taj" Tierra said.

I looked at her and smiled.

"You fucking serious right now" she asked wiping her tears.

I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"I told you just give me some time, happy birthday baby" I said to her.

She placed her hands on my face.

"Thank you so much baby" she said and we kissed twice.

I hugged her as we watched the kids play with the toys. Titan has a bunk bed now so if we had company they could stay the night here sometimes.

Heiress had a crib still.

We went back to my moms and got our clothes and whatever else and then brought it all back to the house.

We ordered some pizza and wings for dinner and then we bathed the kids and got them in bed and then we showered.

"We really got our own spot and the kids have their own space" she said.

I nodded.

"We doing what needs to get done one day at a time" I said smiling.

She smiled too.

"I'm so glad though" she said.

She walked over to me after putting on lotion. She only had on a robe and I had on my towel.

She wrapped her arms around my neck.

"We definitely breaking this bed in tonight" she said smiling.

I rubbed her ass cheeks and kissed her lips.

I picked her up and sat her on our bed.

"Lay back" I said kissing her.

"I'm supposed to be taking care of you, you've done enough" she said.

"Lay back" I said again kissing her.

She bit her bottom lip and laid back. I stroked myself as I ate her out.


I woke up hearing crying so I carefully got out of bed from spooning Tierra.

I went to the kids room and cut on the light. Titan stood at Heiress crib and was hugging her through the rails.

"What's wrong" I asked.

"Daddy she was crying" he said.

I walked over and picked her up.

"It's okay fat mamas" I said kissing her face.

She rubbed her eyes and laid her head against mine as I kissed her face again.

"You can go back to bed pop I got her" I told him.

"I have to pee daddy" he said.

"Come on" I said and he followed me.

He pissed and then washed his hands and went back to bed.

I took Heiress to get her cup and I gave it to her. She fell asleep holding it so I laid her back in her crib and I sat the cup off to the side.

I kissed her head and kissed Titans and went back to bed.

"Taj" Tierra said lowly as I got back behind her.

I held her from behind and kissed her shoulder. I reached my hand in her shirt and placed it on her breast and she held my arm.

I laid down and just looked out the window, the blinds were closed so were the curtains and only the lights from the neighborhood could faintly be seen.

February came around and my baby turned two and Tierra got her hair license and would soon be in a chair.

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