23. New Home

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3 Days later

Tierra POV

I walked into Taj mom house while he held Titan whom was asleep and the baby's car seat.

"I want to talk to you both" ms Pat said.

"Okay" I said.

We took the kids upstairs and got them laid in the crib and basinet and then we went downstairs.

We sat at the dinning room table.

Ms Pat handed me a mug of tea and I thanked her and sipped some of it.

She sat down.

"Now with the two of you staying here I don't mind at all. Taj I already know you're gonna make your way in that room with her and them babies so I won't waste my breath telling you not to go in there all I'm saying have some respect.

You two aren't grown and y'all still are under my roof. Taj you will be required to pay me $500 every month for y'all's rent. We talked about this and I'll treat you two as tenants until y'all are able to get your own place.

Also I love my grand babies I do but they are not my kids nor are they my two youngest kids" she said the ending looking at Taj.

He sucked his teeth.

"Therefore if you need help we're available but they are your kids so remember that" she said and I nodded.

"Tierra this is now your home to so I don't want you cooped up in that room. I know you're responsible and respectful and it's mainly my son who I'm talking to but I want you to hear it as well" she said.

"Yes ma'am" I said.

"Good I have to go to work, Tiara and Jay should be home soon. Dinner is already made so y'all just have to warm it up" she said standing.

I nodded and stood to.

I hugged her.

"Thank you" I said getting a little emotional.

I was glad she took me and my kids in. I could've went to my brothers or Trinity and Ricos but I don't want my kids around that drug and gang stuff.

She rubbed my back.

"Your family baby and we take care of family" she said.

I nodded.

We pulled apart and she left.

Taj stood up and hugged me.

"It's okay, you good" he asked.

I nodded.

"I'm ready to shower and take a nap. I'm gonna pump first since your mom gave me this tea so I can freeze a few bottles for when they go to granny's" I said.

"Okay come on" he said and lead me upstairs.

I showered and then drank my tea as I sat in bed with my breast pump on my boobs getting some milk.

I heard a camera as I sat up against the pillows with my eyes closed. 

I looked at Taj.

"Really" I said seeing him taking pictures.

He smiled and came over and kissed me.

"I gotta go handle something and then I'll be back, aight" he said.

"Where you going" I asked.

"Tierra imma be back" he said.

I nodded and we kissed once more and he kissed the kids and left.

I made some milk packages and then took them and put them in the freezer and then I got in bed.

Few hours later

"I know you gonna eat mamas" I heard as I opened my eyes.

I looked seeing Taj at the changing table with Heiress and Titan standing beside him.  

"She's ready to eat" I said yawning.

Taj looked over "yea" he said picking her up.

He brought her to me and I started feeding her.

Titan looked at me confused.

"This is how babies eat Papa" I said.

He held up his shirt.

"Not you man you're a boy" Taj said picking him up.

"Are those new clothes" I said to Taj before he sat on my bed.

"Yea" he said sitting down.

We were occupying his room and it was set up like a little studio apartment. He even had a mini fridge in here.

He held up a small box.

"This for you" he said.

I smiled.

"For what" I asked.

"Valentines day" he said.

"Aww baby" I said.

He opened the box and it was a gold bracelet.

I let him put it on me and it said the kids names.

We shared a kiss.

"Thank you" I said.

He nodded.

"I got Queenie one too" he said and pulled out a small bracelet with her name on it.

I let him put it on her and he took some pictures of them.

"That's so sweet of you baby" I said smiling.

He nodded and we shared another kiss.

He left out taking Titan with him to go get them a snack. After I fed Heiress I burped her.

I swaddled her up and I spoke to her for a few until she was back asleep and I laid her in her basinet.

He got a baby monitor so I cut it on and took it with me and I went downstairs.

"Is the baby up" I heard Tiara ask.

"She's sleep" I said walking in the kitchen.

"Hey Nicki" Jay said and we hugged.

"Hi Mocha" Tiara said calling me my childhood nickname that my family calls me.

I hugged her too.  

"What y'all doing" I asked Taj.

"He trynna help me with my homework and he ain't been to school in a month" Jay said and I laughed.

"Man shut up" Taj said.

I went and warmed the food up since I was hungry.

I ate and helped Jay as well. I was the one that took school serious. Taj was a good student and got good grades but he was barely in school.

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