29. Dadas Day

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Sept 5th


"Happy birthday to you" Tierra sang as she held a little chocolate cake and Heiress while Titan walked beside her.

"Awe shit" I said smiling as I sat on the edge of the bed.

I took Heiress and Titan stood beside me.

"Thank y'all" I said.

"Make a wish" Tierra said.

"Shit I got everything I could ever want and need" I said.

She smiled.

"Just think of something" she said.

So I thought about our own place and I opened my eyes.

"You gonna help me blow out the candles Pop" I asked Titan.

He smiled and blew them out with me.

"Yay" Tierra said and I smiled clapping.

I leaned over and kissed Titans head.

And I kissed Heiress cheek a few times.

"Thank y'all" I said.

Me and Tierra shared a kiss also.

"Dada you eat cake" Titan asked.

"Yea man but you can have it" I said to him.

Tierra had a fork and fed me a piece first and then him.

"Mmm" I said.

"Is it good Papa" Tierra asked as we looked at him.

He nodded as he chewed.

"Dada" Heiress said.

"You telling me happy birthday thank you fat mamas" I said lifting her in the air and she smiled.

I brought her back down and kissed the side of her face.

Today we were taking the kids to go get new shoes with us and then Tierra and I got a room.

Her period ended up coming off just in time so I booked us a last minute room for the weekends and her mom was gonna keep the kids for us.

"You ready to get your day started" she asked feeding Titan more cake.

We been up these last 3 hours just lounging around and her and the kids went and made a cake.

"Yea" I said standing.

We all got ready and we left I was officially 18 even though I felt older than that with how much life I've been living.

We went to the mall and shopped, got some lunch and then we dropped the kids off to Mrs Tamis house and we went and checked in at our hotel.

I was able to get hotels so young because one of my homies worked up here so he always got me in.

"This is nice" Tierra said looking around.

"Yea I'm about to go smoke this blunt though go head and take you a bath and shit" I said.

She looked at me as I put our bags down.

"I wanted you to take one with me" she said.

"Aight give me like 15" I said.

"Okay" she said.

We kissed and I left out the room and smoked half my blunt and then I went back in the room.

"Tierra" I called out.

"I'm in the bathroom" she said.

I went back there and she was washing her face.

I walked up behind her and smacked her ass.

"You definitely smoked go take them clothes off" she said looking at me through the mirror.  

I left out and took off my clothes and I folded them up and sat them beside our bags on the chair shit inside the closet.

I went back in the bathroom and she had the jacuzzi heat going in the tub.

I looked at myself in the mirror as she stood at the sink fixing her hair.

"I been in the gym" I said looking at my muscular body.

My arms and legs were evenly toned and I had my 6 pack now.

I could see Tierra looking at me in the mirror knowing she loves this shit. Once she was done wrapping her hair we got in the tub and she sat in my lap and my arms rested on the edge of the tub.

"We gone need one of these shits in our own crib" I said to her.

"It is nice" she said.

I kissed on her neck as her head rested back on me.

"I just want to chill right now we can do that when we get out" she said. 

"Aight" I said placing one last kiss on her neck.  

We stayed in the tub for about 35 minutes then we got out and showered and got in bed. I was ready to put her ass to sleep but I know she needed some rest so I wasn't rushing her but as soon as we got in bed all that other shit was wraps.

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