48. New Orleans Anniversary

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March 3rd

Tierra POV

"I'm gonna be back in 5 days mamas okay" Taj said to Heiress.

"Daddy I wanna go" she cried holding onto him.

He kissed her head and looked at me.

"Nope I know what you're thinking" I said to him.

"G you see this shit fucking with her" he said.

"Taj no, Heiress" I said and she looked at me.

"Mommy and daddy are only gonna be gone five days okay and if you be good we're gonna bring you something back okay" I said.

"Okay" she said nodding.

"And you can sleep in me and mommies bed however long you want" Taj said.

"Taj" I said to him.

"Okay daddy" she said softly.

They shared a kiss and then she and I did. They'd be back and forth between mrs Pats and Taj grandparents while she's at work.

"I love you daddy baby" Taj said to her.

"I love you daddy" she said and they shared another kiss and then she went with Tiara.

"Thank you again mrs Pat" I said.

She rubbed my belly.

"Of course y'all go have fun I would say don't make no more kids" she said and we laughed.

We hugged her bye and told Titan bye again. He gave us a fit about leaving last night but after sleeping in our bed last night he was fine this morning.

Heiress started showing out when it got time to leave. We left and got in the car with Rico and Trinity and then we had to go pick up Toya and Drew.

I wasn't the only one pregnant on this trip but I was the biggest.

Toya is 4 months and having a little girl so I was so excited.

"How she take it" Rico asked.

"Man I shouldn't even be in this car right now" Taj sighed shaking his head.

"Like hell I need this break" I said holding his hand as we sat in the middle row of the truck Rico had.

"I know but still last time I left my baby" he said shaking his head.

"G it was for three months this just 5 days she's gonna be okay just like you told Titan last night" I reminded him.

"It's different he a boy and he older" Taj said.

"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes.

I got on my phone and took some pictures of us. A picture and video of us went viral and now people were starting to use us as the whole couple goals shit not knowing I be having to beat this mans ass sometimes to even get a good picture.

"Stop making that face smile and seem like you happy to be with me or some shit damn" I said to him as he just looked at my phone.

He sucked his teeth.

I rolled my eyes and placed my phone in my lap.

"Y'all should start vlogging I heard that YouTube shit can get you paid" Trinity said.

"Y'all gonna do it" I asked.

"Hell no" Rico said.

"Girl he swear someone looking for him" she said rolling her eyes.

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