12. Mama Knows Best

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"Hey where you rushing off too" I heard as I walked downstairs.

I looked and saw my mom.

"Hey I gotta go do something with Tierra" I said.

I still haven't told her about the baby. For one we barely see each other with both of us working and I just wasn't ready to.

"Can it wait, how about we go get some breakfast or something" she suggested.

"You're off today" I asked confused.

"Yea for the first time in a while and since your sister and brother are at your uncles I figured you and I could spend the day together since we barely see each other these days" she said.

I scratched the back of my head.

"Ma I kind of got plans with Tierra" I said.

"You can't just spend one day with your mother" she asked.

I sighed.

I knew I had to tell her otherwise I was gonna make Tierra and I miss the bus and be late to her appointment.

"Ma Tierra is pregnant and she has an appointment today and we gotta go catch the bus to get there" I said.

My mom took a few quick blinks.

"What" she said.

I nodded.

"I got a kid on the way ma and don't worry I'm working and doing what I gotta do to make sure her and the baby are good" I said.

"When did you even loose, you know what come on I'll take y'all" she said taking her keys off the key hook by the door.

"Ma you sure I'll just chill with you when we come back" I said.

I didn't want to put Tierra on the spot. If my mom was gonna say something to anyone it should be me since I got her pregnant.

"We'll do that another time let's go" she said and we left out the house.

I sighed and left out the house with her.

We got in her car and I helped her navigate to Tierras house.

As we pulled up Tierra called.

"Hey baby where you at you know mr Johnny don't like to wait for nobody pregnant or not" she said as I held my phone while on FaceTime.

I looked over at my mom and she just had an unreadable face.

"I'm outside now, look my mom is gonna take us" I said.

"Your mom" she asked confused.

I turned the camera so my mom was in the frame.

"Hi sweetie" my mom said to her smiling.

"Um hey ms Pat" Tierra said and I could tell she was nervous.

"I want to take y'all out to breakfast so come on" she said.

"Um okay I'm coming" Tierra said.

My mom nodded and I put my face back in the frame and Tierra made a face.

"Just chill" I simply said.

She sighed.

"Im coming out now" she said and hung up.

I sighed.

"What's wrong" my mom asked.

I looked at her.

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