30. Booked

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Oct 27th


"Aye you stand up against the wall" one of the officers in the school said walking up on me.

"For what" I asked looking at him.

He pushed me up against the wall.

"You on some hoe shit G the fuck you doing" I asked.

"Searching you" he said patting me down.

"For what" I asked.

He reached into my pants pocket and pulled out a lil bag of weed that was barely enough to roll one blunt.

"Now look at this" he said holding that shit up.

"G you put that on me" I lied.

"Yea whatever" he said and read me my rights as he cuffed me.

He walked me down to the principals office and they let me give her my keys to give to Tierra and they took me down to the station.

My lawyer came and they could only give me three months because it wasn't really shit and I was claiming it won't mine and I ain't know how it got in my pocket.

After they booked me I called my mom but she ain't answer so I called Tierra.

"Taj what the fuck" she said.

"Baby the nigga stopped me on some goofy shit G" I said.

"What they charging you for" she asked.

"Man some weed that won't even enough to roll a fucking blunt if I wanted to" I said.

"Taj what the fuck how long they giving you" she said.

"3 months, look I got a couple dollars in my sock drawer. If you need to it's enough to hold you off for more than three months so you ain't gotta work and can be there with the kids while I'm inside" I said.

"Taj" she said.

"G it's some extra money I made throughout the years cutting grass and from the child support my mom gets. She always break us off at the end of the month" I said.

She sighed.

"Okay what am I supposed to tell Titan he's old enough to understand now" she said.

"I know look I get another call tonight just pick up when I call and I'll talk to him. My mom don't know I tried calling but she ain't answer but just let her know what's up" I said.

"Okay" she said.

"Aight I love you" I said.

"I love you too" she said.

I hung up and sighed before being escorted back to my cell.

This shit was so dumb but I got caught loafin so I had to just sit and do this lil time.

Later that day

"He can hear you" Tierra said.

"Pop" I said.

"Dada" he said.

"Hey big man you straight, you being good for your moms and watching over your sister" I asked.

"Yes dada" he said.

"Good man look I'm not gonna come home for a couple of days okay but I want you to be good and listen to your moms imma call you everyday and you can sleep in bed with mommy aight" I said.

"Okay dada you gonna get candy dada" he asked.

"Not this time big man but imma be home soon I love you pop" I said.

"I love you dada" he said.

"Tierra" I said.

"Yes" she said.

"Fuck" I said trying to keep it together knowing I was missing my baby girls first Christmas and just being away from my family period.

"When my baby get up tell her I love her and give her some kisses. If she get fussy and starts looking for me just take one of my shirts and let her lay with it that helps" I said.

"Okay" she said.

"Baby please don't cry" I said.

"I know but you're missing her first holidays" she said sniffling.

I rested my head on my arm.

"I know" I said lowly.

"Taj this ain't right" she said.

"I know baby I'm sorry just- fuck man" I said wiping my hand across my face.

I let out a deep breath as I stood up straight.

"Just tell them I love them I love y'all man and imma be home soon I swear" I said.

"Okay" she said.

"Aight I'll talk to y'all tomorrow" I said.

"Okay I love you" she said.

"I love you too" I said and she hung up.

I tapped the phone against the wall before hanging it up.

They took me down to me cell. I was in real jail now not that lil juvie shit but it won't nothing that I couldn't handle.

I sat down and did the longest and hardest 3 moths of my life. Heiress cried after every phone call and that shit hurt.

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