13. Playing House

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2 months later

Tierra POV

I laid on my bed having just finished two clients hair one wanted a silk press and the other got box braids.

I heard my phone ring so I picked it up and saw it was Taj so I answered.

"Hello" I answered tiredly.

"My bad did I wake you up" he asked.

I could hear his noisy back ground.

"No I'm just in bed" I said.

"You good" he asked.

"Yes" I said putting the phone on speaker and laying it beside me.

"What you doing I was trynna see if you wanted to come out to my family's reunion shit" he said.

"That's where you're at I thought that was tomorrow" I said.

"I thought so too so I just came up here but Rico finna go get Trinity and he was asking if I want to get you too" he said.

"I would but my feet hurt and I'm tired and hungry" I said.

"You ain't eat yet" he asked.

"No you know my parents are out of town and I'm supposed to be at my brother's but I had two clients today so I came home" I said.

"Tierra why the fuck you ain't eat" he said.

"Stop cussing at me" I said.

"Sorry but why you ain't eat" he asked.

"I had a smoothie earlier" I said.

"G that ain't shit. Look imma get Rico to bring me over there and I'll get you some shit from the deli" he said.

"Okay" I said.

"Aight I love you and I'll see you in a few" he said.

"I love you to oh and get me a pickle and some lays the regular ones" I said.

"Aight" he said.

I hung up and closed my eyes feeling them grow heavy. 

2 hours later

I heard my phone go off for the third time so I sat up and answered it.

"Hello" I said.

"What you feel asleep I'm at the door" Taj said.

"Shit I did I'm coming" I said.

"Aight" he said.

I got out of bed and put on one of his shirts since I was naked. I put on my house shoes and went downstairs.

I opened the door and he was standing on the other side.

"Sorry" I said as he stepped in.

"You good" he said closing the door.

"I got you some food" he said holding up the bag.

"Okay let's go upstairs" I said.

He nodded.

"Can I get my kiss first I ain't see you yesterday either" he said.

I smiled and we kissed.

I lead him upstairs even though I don't care to eat in my room but I was too tired to be sitting downstairs.

He sat the food on the dresser and I sat on my bed.

I opened up the Snapple he got me as he took off his shorts leaving him in some boxers and he took off his shirt having a white T-shirt underneath.

I hated outside clothes on my bed and he's learned that.

He came over and kissed me and when he tried to pull away I pulled his face back to me and kissed him again and and I sucked on his juicy ass bottom lip.

"Aight baby you need to feed my son" he said trying to pull away.

"I am let's do something else first" I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Tierra" he said when I placed kisses on his lips.

He placed his hands on my hip and I leaned back into my pillows bringing him with me.

"Tierra let's eat first" he said lifting his face from mine.

"Taj please at least just give me head first" I said.

I don't know if it was the pregnancy but I was always horny.

Now that I was pregnant it seemed easier for us to have sex more and I was loving it.

He laughed.

"I'm serious" I pouted.

"G this pregnancy got you horny as fuck" he said.

I nodded and let him kiss on my neck.

He got in bed with me fully and pulled himself out.

"You ready already" I asked looking down at his hard dick.

"Shit you know how you get me" he said.

I smiled and we made out as he slid in.

1 hour later

I laid back against Taj while sitting in between his legs as we sat on my bed eating.

I lifted a fry and looked back at him and he ate it.

His hands resting on my lower stomach while my tray of wings and fries sat on top of my stomach.

I was big as fuck now at 6 months.

"Had my son starving all day" Taj said kissing on my neck.

"We had a smoothie and some snacks i'm just glad he's finally letting me keep food down" I said.  

"Yea I had to talk him about that shit" Taj said.

I laughed and fed him another fry.

He ended up spending the night with me and I let Ty know he was here so I didn't need to go back to his house.

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