37. Graduation

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June 16th


"What do you mean you don't have your cap and gown yet" Tierra asked as I drove home.

"G they ain't give me that shit I thought they give you it when we get to the graduation" I said placing my phone in my lap.

"Taj you saw I had mine" she said.

"I thought they gave it to you early cause you valedictorian" I said.

"Oh my God no what did they say. You gonna be the only one at the school without a cap and gown they may not even let you in" she said.

"I'll figure that shit out all I care is that I finished I could give two fucks if I walk across a damn stage" I said.

"Whatever can you stop to the store I need more tampons I forgot to grab some while I was out yesterday and my period starts in two days" she said.

I sucked my teeth. 

"G how about I come get you and take you to the store" I said.

"Taj it's just tampons and I'm doing my hair before you get here so I can do yours" she said.

"You still got two days so you don't really need that shit" I said.

"Taj you going to the store anyways" she said.

"Not for that shit just some black socks and I'm going in and out" I said.

"You know what whatever" she said.

"Here you go" I said.

"Here I go nothing I'll see you when you get here, bye" she said and hung up. 

I shook my head.

Them few days before and after her period her ass was always so irritable.

I stopped to the store and I grabbed my socks and I went to the pad isle.

I called her not knowing what shits she needed. 

"What" she answered.

"Which one of these bitches is it" I asked

"Never mind I'll just go tomorrow or something" she said.

"Tierra G which one of these shits you want I'm already here" I said.

"You see the box on the bottom row and it has flowers and shit on it" she said. 

I picked up a box.

"Yes those" she said.

"Aight" I said and she hung up.  

I sucked my teeth she ain't even wait to see if I wanted to say anything else.

I paid for everything and left.  

I headed home.

I got my hair cut today instead of three days ago when I took Titan cause I wanted that shit to be extra fresh. 

I got to the house and greeted my mom and Jay, Tiara was at a dance practice.

I went upstairs.

"Papa get her cup right there for me please" Tierra said.

I walked in the room.

"Dada" Heiress cried as she sat on the bed.

"Why she crying" I asked sitting the bag on the bed.

I picked my baby up and kissed the side of her head and she stopped crying.  

"Daddy she not listen" Titan said walking over to me with his cup.

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