47. Heiress is 3 pt 2

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Feb 14th


"Taj come on I know you hear him" Tierra said.

She was laid against the pillows and I was eating her out.

"He aight" I said to her.

"Mommy, daddy" Titan cried on the other side of our locked door.

I started to finger her as I sucked on her clit.

"Right there daddy" she said rubbing her hands through my hair.

I had to get it braided and washed today after taking down my braids yesterday when we went to an indoor pool.

"Mommy, daddy" Titan said a little louder.

"Hold on Papa" Tierra called out.

"I'm coming" she said lowly.

I looked up at her as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

I held her hips with both hands and I felt her fluids come and I licked it all up.

Her hips rolled as she came down from her orgasm.

She looked at me as I licked her clean.

"Okay go get my baby" she said.

I kissed her pussy lips and then went and kissed her actual lips and I added tongue so she could see how good she tasted this morning.

I got out of bed and went to the door.

I opened it.

"What's up Pop" I asked.

He rubbed his eyes tiredly.

I picked him up and rubbed his back and left out the room closing the door.

"Daddy I'm gonna sleep in your bed" he asked tiredly as I walked us to the kitchen.

"Not right now me and mommy gotta talk about something. Imma give you some milk and let you lay down and then I'll come get you out your room aight after me and ya moms done talking" I said.

"Okay" he said.

I got a glass of milk and warmed it up a little, something my mom would do for me. He drunk a little under half and then was ready to go back to bed so I took him to his room and laid him back in bed with his sister.

He was back sleep so I made sure they had the blanket on the correctly and I left out cracking the door.

It was only 6 in the morning and they normally get up at 8. Tierra woke me up when I heard her go to the bathroom and I woke up with morning wood.

I went back to our room and closed the door.

"Is he okay, you should've brought them in here" she said looking at me.

"We still got some shit to talk about" I said getting in bed with her.

I took myself out my boxers as I got in between her legs.

"We gonna do everything but talk" she said placing her hands on my neck.

"I know" I said kissing her as I slowly slid in.

Later that day

I took Tierra and the kids out for Valentine's Day and my babies birthday. She was officially 3 and just growing before my eyes.

"Daddy ahh" Heiress said holding a fry to my mouth.

I opened my mouth and she fed me the fry.

"Mmm" she said.

"Mm" I said smiling and she did too.

I kissed her cheek.

"So what y'all want to do after this" I asked looking over at Tierra and Titan as they ate. Tierra nearly ordered the whole menu so our table was full as she basically sampled everything.

"I need a nap" she said sipping her drink after she bit my burger.

"We can do that and maybe go to the movies later they got a new emoji movie or some shit like that out. It's like these things that have different moods" I said.

She nodded.

"I know what you're talking about, it's called inside out and I heard it's good" she said.

"Yea we can go see that and then take my baby to Justice" I said kissing her cheek.

She smiled knowing she loves that fucking store. She could shop already like her mom.

After we ate we stopped to the mall and took Heiress to Justice and she got some stuff and then I got Tierra ring cleaned and me and Titan got some new shoes and Tierra got a milkshake that I know was gonna have her gassy.

We drove home.

"Mommy pooped" Titan said laughing.

"G I told you not to get that shit" I said winding down the window some.

"Taj it's cold you're gonna get us sick" she said.

"Tierra you stink" I said.

She flicked me off.

We got home and all changed and chilled out in our living room watching nicklodean. Tierra and the kids fell asleep and I sat up and changed it to ESPN.

After a while I went out and smoked and then came back and laid with them on the couch to get a quick nap in before we go to the movies. 

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