17. Moving Up

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February 12th


"Okay that's the last of the boxes" I said sitting down the one I carried.

"Thank you" my mom said smiling.

We finally were moved back into our own home with us now still living close to Tierra. She now lives two streets in front of us.

"Now to un pack" Tiara said.

"Y'al have fun" I said.

"Where you going" my mom asked.

"I found a car that I like and can afford so I'm about to go see about it" I said.

"You need a ride" she asked.

"Can I come" Jay asked.

"No you need to un pack your stuff" my mom told him.

"Man" he said sucking his teeth.

"Nah I got a ride but I'll unpack my stuff when I get back" I said.

"Okay" she said.

I hugged and kissed her cheek and I kissed Tiaras forehead.

Jay was upset and had went upstairs so I just left.

I went outside and Rico was here.

"What up" I said dapping him up.

"What up I don't know why you going to the dealership I told you I know someone" he said.

"Nah this was better because I can finance it and help me build credit" I said.

He nodded and turned up his music.

He took me to a dealership that sold used cars. I found an 2011 mustang it was a few years old but the mileage was really good and it was all black my favorite color.

"I want it" I said.

"Okay I'd advise you to finance through your bank" the sales rep said.

"Aight imma come back" I said.

He printed me out some papers to give the bank and I left.

Rico took me to my bank and I was approved for the loan so we too the check and went back and I got my car.

I drove off the lot and I went to my grandparents first having to go get Titan.

I got him and put him in the car and then I left.

"Hello" I said answering my phone.

"Hey I tried calling granny to tell her I'll be late the after school bus is running late" Tierra said.

"I can come pick you up" I said.

"You sure your mom won't mind" she asked.

"Yea it's straight I'll be there in like 5" I said.

"Okay" she said.

We got off the phone and I headed to the school.

I pulled up and called her.

"I'm here" I said not seeing her.

"Okay I'm coming out" she said.

It was me and like 3 other cars parked up front.

"Where you at" she said.

I looked and saw her so I got out the car and hung up.

She looked at me confused seeing the car.

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