97. Florida pt. 2

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2 days later

Tierra POV

"Im glad Chole let her come" I said to Trinity watching our girls standing in the wave pool.

"Yes she comes over a little more now. Chloe knows how close the girls are and she says she knows Elise needs it more than ever" she said.

I nodded.

We were sitting on the beach chairs we had a drink and Toya was with us. For the first time in a while none of us were pregnant.

"Chile these margaritas" Toya said.

I looked over at her as she sipped on hers.

"What's that your third" I asked.

"And is Drew know what time it is" she said.

I nodded my head to her.

"Baby Taj better know too" I said.

"You two gone get pregnant on this trip" Trinity said.

"Baby I came prepared with my plan b" Toya said.

I laughed.

"Imma have to get him to get me one cause imma definitely need it" I said.

Kingston came running over crying.

"What's wrong schnuk" I asked sitting up straight.

"Why you crying big man" Taj asked walking over with the guys.

"Calm down and take some deep breaths" I said rubbing his back as I sat in the edge of the chair with him standing in between my legs.

He took two deep breaths.

Taj came and sat on the edge of my chair beside us.

"What happened" he asked him.

I wiped my babies tears with my towel.

"Tahir - Tahir pushed me and I fell in the water and hurt my leg" he said touching his knee.

"Let mommy see" I said and he held up his leg.

I felt around his leg and he could move it he just had a small scratch.

"Your okay" I said to him.

I hugged him to me and kissed his head.

"Tahir" Taj called out.

Tahir looked up at us from playing with his cousins.

Taj waved him over and he ran over.

"Yes daddy" he asked.

"You pushed him" Taj asked.

"Yes but because we were playing" he said.

"I wasn't playing and I said that" Kingston said.

"What does playing have to do with pushing him. Didn't I tell you to keep your hands to yourself" Taj said.

"Yes but we were playing" Tahir started to cry.

"Shut up and come sit down you done for the day" Taj said.

"But I don't want to I want to play" he raised his voice.

Taj hit his chest.

"Sit down" Taj said more stern.

Tahir started to full out cry and Taj snatched him up because he started to yell dramatically in his cry.

He whispered something to him in his ear.

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