43. Pre School

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August 29th

Tierra POV

"You have a good day Papa okay" I said looking at him as we got ready to leave the house.

"Okay mommy" he said so excited to start school.

I picked my baby up and kissed his lips twice. Taj and I took some pictures of him and then we got in the car.

We drove him to his school and went to the drop off line. When a teacher came and opened his door he told us bye and then helped him get out.

"Brudder" Heiress said pointing to him.

"We're gonna see him later mamas" I said.

"He go to school mommy" she asked.

"Yes" I said.

"I go to school mommy" she asked.

"Not yet" I said.

She put her head down and pouted it was her new thing and it works on Taj every time.

"You want McDonald's fat mamas" Taj asked.

"School daddy" she said.

Taj sighed seeing her pout. We went to McDonald's and he got her some food and we went home.

Titan will only be in school for 4 hours a day. Now that I no longer do school at night Taj works during nights while I work during the day so we could be with the kids more and get Titan to and from school.

We got home and Heiress went back to sleep. I got a call from my doctors office.

I stepped out on the back porch as I took it.

"Hello" I answered.

"Hey Tierra this is doctor Bennet I'm calling about your test you took two days ago when you were here and seeing the results your hormone levels are through the roof and we see it's the antidepressants so we're gonna go ahead and get you off them.

You seem to be doing much better now, how are you feeling" she asked.

"Not myself and I do think it's the meds" I said.

"Yes it is I went ahead and ended your prescription and if you have any left you may properly dispose them" she said.

"Okay I will thank you" I said.

"Of course I'll see you at your next appointment" she said.

"Okay" I said and hung up.

I went inside and to my room and I dumped the pills in the toilet.

"What you doing" Taj asked coming to the bathroom.

"They ended my prescription they say the pills were messing up my hormone levels" I said.

"Good cause them shits had you off" he said.

"Yea" I said.

"You okay though" he asked.

I nodded.

We kissed and left out the bathroom. We haven't had sex since the incident it's not that I don't want to but I don't want to be touched really. I could do with the kids but not with Taj right now I don't know what it was.

He ended up leaving to handle some stuff and I stayed home with my baby. At 11 we went and picked up Papa and he had an amazing day and told us all about his day.

I was happy he liked school. He has a thirst for knowledge like me so I knew he was gonna love school like I did.

I was also in the midst of getting Hieress to be potty trained by her birthday and even though we started later she was catching on faster than Titan and it may be because we started a little later with her.

2 weeks later

I sat watching Sistas on bet and a sex scene with Zac and Fatima came on and I could feel myself get bothered by it.

"Okay" I said cutting off the tv.

I got up and went to the back room and Taj was just getting out the shower.

I went over to him and wrapped my arms  around him and kissed his lips and we started making out.

He didn't ask any questions he just lead me to the bed and helped me on it. I knew he was waiting for this day and it was like these anti depressants were finally wearing off.

45 minutes later

I mumbled an I love you to Taj as my eyes grew heavier and heavier. He had worn me the fuck out.

He said something and kissed my head a few times. Papa was at school today but we took Heiress to Grannys since Taj took me to my follow up appointment this morning and we didn't want to take her in the doctors office.

Later that day

I stood in the kitchen cooking dinner for my family.

"Mommy" I heard Titan.

"Mommy" Heiress repeated and I smiled hearing their little voices.

"I'm in here my babies" I called out.

I cut the pot of macaroni off and looked back and my babies came in the kitchen followed by Taj.

I kissed them both and Taj and Titan told me all about his day and showed me the green he got today.

"My mom is going to New Orleans with Jay and Tiara for thanksgiving she asked if we wanted to go but I told her we doing your moms this year" Taj said.

I nodded.

"That would've been fun though and good for the kids" I said.

"Yea but we'll go another time" he said.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and I kissed his lips and he rubbed my ass.

"I missed you" he said.

"I missed me too" I said and he smiled and kissed me.

"We on for part two tonight when they go to sleep. Had me deprived for so long, you wouldn't even let me touch you" he said.

"I know I wanted you to but I just couldn't" I said.

He kissed me.

"I know and I get it. I'm just glad you're okay" he said.  

He kissed my cheek a few times.

"Daddy up" Heiress said walking over.

Taj picked her up.

"Kiss mommy" she said to me and she and I shared a kiss.

"Can daddy have one" Taj asked.

She smiled and kissed his lips and he smiled too.

"Go ahead and bathe her I'm going to help Titan with his workbook" I said.

"Okay" he said and we kissed and he left out with Heiress.

I sat down and helped Titan with an at home workbook I got him to work on after school since he didn't get homework. I took schooling and education very seriously.

After he finished I washed him up and then let him play with his toys with Heiress.

I jumped in the shower while Taj watched over the kids. Once I finished we all ate and then we put the kids to bed.

Taj smacked both my ass cheeks as we walked into our room.

"Take all that shit off" he said to me.

I looked back and he closed and locked the door.

"You come take it off me" I said to him.

He licked his lips and walked over.

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