53. First Day

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Aug. 21st


"Come on Pop" I said picking him up.

"I have to go to school daddy" he asked as I stood him up on his feet.

"Yea man time for you to go to kindergarten" I said smiling.

He did too.

I walked him to the bathroom and we washed his face and brushed his teeth. I took his durag off showing his fresh braids and then I took him to the room and got him dressed.

I heard Tahir crying so I knew Tierra would be up soon. Heiress was in the room sleep with her.

I got Titan dressed and we talked about school and what he was looking forward to. We took him to an early school day thing they had earlier this month a few days after his 5th birthday and showed us what the average day would look like for them.

He loved it and couldn't wait for school to start up. He was like Tierra with that.

"Aight you look fresh let's go get you some cologne and show mommy the fresh fit" I said.

He smiled and ran down the hall to our room and I walked behind him.

Walking in Tierra was holding Tahir breast feeding him.

"Mommy I'm fresh" Titan said going over to her bedside.

I went and grabbed some of my cologne and I put some on him.

"Now the fit is complete and your ready" I said to him and he smiled.

We did our handshake and I kissed his head.

"You still want to come with me to take him" I asked.

"Yes while you burp him imma get ready. Heiress can just put on her jacket and some shoes" she said.

I nodded.

After Tahir ate I held him and burped him. Once Tierra finished getting ready her and Titan went to get his lunch they packed last night and book bag.

I put Tahir in his car seat and grabbed a coat for Heiress. I put it on her and picked her up since she was still sleep and I held the car seat and walked to the living room.

"Aight y'all ready" I asked.

"I wish I was up earlier to give him a better breakfast. Where's her shoes" Tierra asked me.

"Imma just carry her we just getting in the car and back out" I said.

She just walked off. I sat the carseat on the sofa and went to the kitchen and Titan sat eating some cereal.

"Is it good big man" I asked grabbing me a Gatorade.

"Yes it's my favorite cereal" he said.

He was eating some strawberry Frosted Flakes.

I nodded and kissed his head.

Tierra came back with Heiress slides and put them on her feet. Once Titan was done we went to the car. While I got the youngest in Tierra stood taking pictures of him outside the car.

"Aight y'all ready" I asked after putting Heiress in her carseat.

"I want one of us three" Tierra said.

I sucked my teeth and picked Titan up. She came over and I sat him in the top of the car and we took a picture.

"Aight G" I said when she snapped some more.

"Okay let's go, can't let my handsome smart man be late on his first day" Tierra said smiling.  

I got him down and he got in the middle of his sibling's and sat in his booster seat.

Tierra got in and then I did and we drove to his school. She didn't want him riding the bus alone so we'd take him to school in the mornings and pick him up afterwards.

We made it to the school and to the drop off line.

"Aight big man I'll see you later" I said holding up my fist as a teacher came to open his door.

He gave me a pound.

"Bye daddy, bye mommy" he said.

Him and Tierra shared a kiss.

"Bye baby I'll see you later have fun" she said.

"Okay" he said and got out walking past Tahirs car seat.

The teacher said good morning and so did Tierra while I gave her a head nod. Tierra wouldn't let me pull off until he got in the building and she sat recording him.

Once he was in the school I pulled off.

"My baby is really in school now" she said wiping her eyes.

I kissed the side of her head hugging her from the side.

"He gone be good. We seen what all they gone do so we know what's going on" I said.

She nodded.

"It's like I just had him and now he's starting school" she said starting to really cry.

I rubbed her shoulders and parked in a neighborhood near by. I fully hugged her to me and kissed her head.

"He's becoming a young king, that's all" I said.

She nodded.

She pulled away and grabbed a baby wipe and cleaned her face.

"You okay" I asked.

"Yes where are we" she asked.

"Somewhere by the school, you want breakfast" I asked.

"Chick-fil-A" she said.

I nodded and got us Chick-fil-A and then we went home.

We chilled around the house until it was time to get my young king.

He got in the car with the biggest smile on his face when we picked him up.

"Daddy I got this out the treasure chest" he said showing his car.

"That's cool man what car is it" I asked.  

"A corvette" he said.

I nodded and we shared a pound.

"What did you do to get that" Tierra asked as she kissed his cheek.

"I showed kindness" he said.

"Good job" she said.

"What'd you do" I asked.

"I held the door open for Mrs Abrams because she's a girl and daddy said open the door for girls" he said.

"Good job son" I said.

Tierra smiled.

"I'm glad you had fun today, do you have any home work" she asked him.

"Tomorrow I'm gonna have homework" he said.

"Okay but I still want you to do a workbook page" Tierra said and he nodded finally sitting back in his seat.

I got him some McDonald's to celebrate a successful first day.

Heiress didn't wake up from her nap until we made it in the house.

"You hungry mamas" I asked kissing her cheek.

She nodded yawning covering her mouth.

"Heiress look" Titan said holding up his toy.

"You don't have school anymore" she asked him.

"No I already went" he said to her.

I laughed as we went to the living room.

I sat the car seat on the couch and went to the living room with Tierra and Titan.

I sat Heiress down at the table so she could eat her food as well.

His first day was one for the books.

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