33. Heiress First

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Feb 14th

Tierra POV

"Look mamas right here" I called out to Heiress.

We decided to just do a photoshoot for her first and then do cake and sing happy birthday later for her.

"Where is Taj so he can get her to look" my mom said.

"He should've been back" I said.

"Heiress look mamas" I said standing making all kinds of noises.

She paid me no attention and just continued to mess with the balloon she was holding.

"You want to just take a break maybe" the photographer asked.

I sighed.

"Yes let me see where her father is" I said.

He nodded.

"Mommy daddy not here" Titan said looking up at me.

"I know I have to call him" I said pulling out my phone.

Just as I was about to hit the call button he walked in.

"About time" my mom said.

"I know my bad, y'all get some good pictures" Taj asked as he walked over to me.

I glared at him we literally only had 30 minutes left for this shoot.

"Baby-" he started.

"Whatever it is just save it we need to try and get at least one good picture of her smiling looking at the camera and she not paying any of us any attention" I said to him.

He looked over at her seeing her pre occupied with the ballon.

"Aight let me talk to her" he said and walked over to where she sat in front of the back drop.

"He really over there talking to her" my mom said.

"This better work, cause this was a waste of my money" I said.

My mom shook her head.

"Aight she good" Taj said and kissed her forehead.

The photographer came back and started snapping some pictures.

"There you go mamas look at daddy's pretty baby" Taj said standing near the camera man.

"Chile" my mom said.

Heiress was showing out smiling and looking all in the camera.

After we got some good pictures Taj picked her up.

"Wow had he been here in the beginning we might've wrapped up earlier" the photographer said.

"Right, thank you so much though" I said to him.

"No problem she's very photogenic though" he said and showed me some of the shots.

Taj walked over holding Heiress.

"Look at daddy's baby you did so good mamas" Taj said to her and she smiled showing off the two dimples she got from me.

"Look at that one, I want that one blown up and on my wall" my mom said seeing one of the pictures.

"Mommy I see" Titan said so I picked him up.

After viewing the pictures we cleaned up the set. It was a pink backdrop with butterflies and  Heiress wore a purple layered ruffle dress with her hair pulled up into a bun and she wore a tiara.

Taj got her dressed back in her pink jumpsuit and ugg boots. Once everything was cleaned up we left. The kids and I rode up here with my mom because Taj had something to do prior.

My mom left and Taj and I got in the car.

"I ain't think shit was finna take that long" Taj said.

I just got in my phone.

"Tierra" he said.

"What Taj" I said lowly still on my phone.

"G can you look at me when I'm talking to you" he said.

"Taj I really don't want to hear about your excuse" I said nonchalantly.

I felt him grab my phone and I looked at him.

"Taj" I said seeing him roll down his window.

I grabbed his arm before he could throw it out the window.

"I wish the fuck you would" I said taking it out his hand.

He rolled his window back up.

"Are you crazy" I said looking at him.

He ain't say shit he just drove.

"Where are you going" I asked when he passed the street his mom lived on.

"Taj" I said when he ain't say shit.

He still kept quiet so I nodded.

"Okay, let's be petty then" I said getting back on the phone.

He pulled up to a hotel after about 10 minutes and he parked and cut off the car.

"Come on" he said.

I looked at him.

"For what take us to the house" I said to him.

"Tierra just get the fuck out G and stop being so difficult" he said getting out the car.

He leaned his seat up and got Titan out and then he reached and got Heiress.

Once he got her out he looked at me.

"Aight sit in here then" he said and closed the door.

I rolled my eyes blowing my breath and I waited until he walked on the sidewalk with the kids to get out.

Titan was dozing off and Heiress was completely asleep.

I trailed behind Taj and the kids.

"Pick my baby up you see he's tired" I called out.

He kept walking but eventually picked Titan up.

We made it to an elevator and got on and I stood away from him.

We road in silence up to the 4th floor. Once we made it he lead us to a room. He used the key card and opened the door and he held it open for me.

I looked at him as I stood away from the door.

"Tierra G come on and stop fucking playing" he said and I could tell he was getting irritated.

I rolled my eyes and walked in the room stopping when I saw the decor.

"Awe baby" I said looking at him.

"Nah don't do that shit now keep that same energy you just had in the car so I can go take all this shit back" he said.

I poked my bottom lip out and walked up to him after he let the door close.

I pulled his face to mine.

"Thank you daddy" I said softly.

He cracked a smile just like I knew he would. He could never be mad at me long, that's where Heiress got it from.

"That's why I was running late" he said.

"I'm sorry for snapping" I said apologetically.

"Don't worry you gone pay for it later" he said and I smiled and kissed his lips again.

"Why not right now, the kids already sleep" I said sucking on his bottom lip.

"The way imma have you screaming it ain't gonna work. I wanted them to come chill with us for a few but my mom keeping them for us tonight. She said just don't bring no more babies home" he said.

"Trust I get that shot faithfully" I said.

He kissed my lips and I let his face go.

"I know" he said.

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