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April 2nd

Tierra POV

"You ready to go with Dada" I asked Titan as I stood him up on the bed.

"Dada" he repeated.

"Yea you say mama" I said.

"Mama" he said smiling.

"You say mama papa" I said picking him up.

I laid him on his back and blew his belly as I lifted his onsie up.

He laughed and hit my head.

"You say mama" I said and blew his belly again.

"Yo" Taj said walking in my bedroom.

I looked at him and dropped my smile.

Him and I don't talk about shit outside of Titan after he nearly went to jail behind some dumb shit.

"Hey" I said.

I closed up Titans onsie.

"You done being mad" Taj asked.

He sat on my bed.

"I know you not on my bed with them outside clothes on" I said looking at him.

"I just showered and put this shit on and came here" he said.

"It's the same shit" I said.

"Whatever" he said.

I rolled my eyes and picked my baby up.

"Come here" he said pulling me to him.

"Taj" I said.

"G what you want me to say I'm sorry for beating his ass cause he disrespected you multiple times" he said placing his hands on my hips.

"I told you leave it be" I said.

"Tierra I hear you but I won't finna let him keep disrespecting you. I'll end that nigga life behind you and my son" he said.

"Not over some words I don't want you fighting over no dumb shit" I said.

"I know" he said.

"So act like it" I said.

He sucked his teeth.

I kissed his lips.

"I missed you" he said rubbing on my butt.

"Dada" Titan said.

"What up Junie" Taj said looking at him.

"You give daddy some love" I said to Titan.

Taj kissed his cheek twice.

"I love you papa" Taj said to him.

"You gonna come with us, Granny got me house sitting" he said.

"I have a client and a test to study for" I said.

"I can come get you after your client. We'll just chill at my moms til you ready" he said.

"Okay" I said rubbing his head.

We haven't had sex in a whole month and I was wanting him.

He kissed my chest.

"It's been too long" he said.

I nodded.

I finished getting Titan ready and then him and Taj left.

I did two clients after taking a last minute one and then Taj came and got me.

We went to his grandparents house.

We took a shower and I made us some chicken Alfredo since it was quick and easy. Once we got Titan in bed we went to the room Taj mom and sister used to occupy.

"Put him in that crib" Taj said.

I looked at him.

"For what" I asked.

"You know why" he said.

I picked my baby up he was laid in between us. I carefully laid him in the crib that was in here.

I made sure he was comfortable and then I got back in bed with Taj.

35 minutes later

"You in the birth control yet" he asked as we were now in missionary.

"No you have to pull out" I said.

"Fuck aight" he said kissing on my neck. 

He started to hit my spot.

"Right there" I said caressing his head.

"You gotta let me go" he said his lips inches from mine.

"Wait I'm almost there" I said wrapping my legs tightly around him.

"Tierra" he said.

"Please" I said pulling his face to me.

We made out as I came.

After a few strokes he rested his body on mine.

"I gotta get you a plan b" he said.

I nodded holding him with one arm and rubbing his back.

"Shit" he said kissing the side of my face.

I turned my face to him and kissed his lips.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too" I said.

The next day

"Oh God" I said as Taj gave me back shots.  

He woke up with morning wood wanting to make up for the past month.

I gripped the sheets as he pounded against me.

"You gone wake up my son" he said.

I came twice before he finally came. My body dropped on the bed and he rested on top of me.

"Fuck I missed this" he said kissing my back. 

I nodded.

"Imma go get some breakfast and a plan b" he said.

"Okay" I said.

He got off me smacking my butt and got out of bed.

I laid in bed ready to go back to sleep but I knew Titan would be up soon. After Taj got out the shower I went in and then when I got out he left.

I put on some shorts and tshirt.

"Mama" I heard Titan start crying.

I walked over to the crib.

"You hungry Papa" I said picking him up.

I kissed his cheeks and he stopped crying.

I changed his peed up diaper and then I breast fed him.

By the time I finished Taj came back so we ate and he took Titan.

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