22. Mi Amour

7 1 0

Feb 14th


"Hey ma" I said walking out the jail.

We hugged.

"Hey baby" she said smiling.

We got in her car and she took me home.

Tierra is still pregnant and I was thankful I wouldn't know what to do if she had my daughter while I was inside.

"Little mama so ready to come out I told Tierra she just waiting on you" my mom said.

I smiled.

"That's gone be my baby" I said.

We went home and I showered and then I walked to Tierras house realizing I hadn't done this in forever.

I walked in the house and heard Titan laughing.

"Papa no" I heard Tierra say.

"No no mama" he said.

"Right" Tierra said.

I walked into the living room and smiled seeing her sitting on a ball and Titan standing in the middle of the living room playing with some of his toys.

"Hey" I said.

"Dada" Titan said running to me.

I picked him up.

"What up Junie" I said tossing him in the air.

I caught him and kissed his cheek.

"I missed you man" I said to him.

"Monsa truck dada" he said giving me his monster truck.

"Yea man" I smiled.

"Hey baby" I said walking over to Tierra.

I helped her stand and we hugged as best as we could.

"I missed you" I said kissing her head.

"I'm glad you're home" she said.

I nodded.

"Queenie is happy too" she said.

I smiled and placed my hand on her stomach and I felt the baby move around.

"I'm here mamas" I said.

"Baby dada" Titan said.

"Yea man you been being nice to your sister" I asked.

He nodded.

"Tell daddy you sing to her every night" Tierra said to him.

"I sing to baby dada" he said smiling.

"Thank you for taking care of her and mommy for me Junie" I said kissing his cheek.

He smiled.

Tierra laid her head on my chest.

"Y'all hungry" I asked.

"Yea he hasn't eaten yet" she said.

I nodded.

"You want McDonald's Pop" I asked.

"Yes dada" he said putting his finger in his mouth.

I took his finger out his mouth.

"Aight go get your shoes" I said putting him down.

He ran over to his shoes and came back and I helped him out his shoes on.

"Our coats are in my room" she said.

"Aight I'll get them" I said. 

I kissed her stomach a few times before going upstairs. I noticed most of her stuff was out the room even Titans crib.

I went downstairs.

"Y'all already moved the stuff to my moms" I asked.

"Yes last week she, Jay and Rico came and took stuff. Papa and I have just been living off one suitcase" she said.

I nodded and kissed her lips.

Once they were ready we left and I took them to McDonald's.

We sat eating in the car.

"Mmm" Tierra hissed.

"You good" I asked.

"Yea so what name did you say you came up with" she asked.

"Heiress Tahji Johnson" I said.

"I like that I came up with Essence Talia" she said.

"So which one cause they both fire" I said.

"Yours" she said in pain as she grabbed my wrist.

"Baby what's wrong" I asked.

She made a face and looked down.

I did too.

"What" I asked.

"My water just broke" she said lifting up some.

"On the seats" I said.

She nodded.

I started the car and thankfully the hospital was two lights away. We got there and I held Titan he was sleep and I wheeled her in.

While they prepped her to push I called my mom and her mom and told them it was time.

She wasn't ready to start really pushing until my mom got there, her mom a few minutes after.

She squeezed my hand as she pushed. Her crying yelling woke up Titan and he started crying so my mom took him.

After an hour in labor she pushed my crying daughter out and we got it on camera this time like she requested.

I cut the umbilical cord and took a picture of my baby girl by the monitor.

She came out at 7 pounds and 2 ounces. They placed her on Tierras chest.

"It's okay baby girl" I said to her.

"Hi Queenie" Tierra said to her.

I smiled.

They took the baby and got her cleaned up and they cleaned Tierra up after getting out the placenta.

I took Titan and brought him to Tierra since he was crying for her.

"I'm sorry I scared you Papa" Tierra said to him.

He wiped his eyes.

Tierra kissed his head as he wrapped his little arms around her chest.

"It's aight Pop" I said as he stopped crying.

They brought the baby and everyone held her even Titan with my help. We took pictures of them as well.

I held my baby girl and walked around the room.

"I'm glad you didn't let me miss this mamas" I said to her.

I sniffled a little.

"Not you crying" Tierra said.

"I thought I was gonna miss this shit G" I said to her.

Our moms had left but we still had Titan.

"I'm glad you didn't" Tierra said as I went over to her. Titan laid beside her asleep.

I went and kissed her lips a few times and then I kissed Titans forehead.

"I love you, thank you" I said to her and kissed her again.

She smiled.

I sat in the chair beside her bed and held my baby. They let me do skin-to-skin with her and she slept so comfortably.

"I think she likes this, imma do it all the time" I said looking at Tierra smiling.

She was taking pictures.

I kissed my babies head.

They brought her birth certificate and we went with the name I chose Heiress but we changed her middle name to Amour since she's born on Valentine's Day.

Heiress Amour Johnson the best Valentine's day gift.

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