21. Not So Happy Holidays

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I dropped Tierra off at the nail salon. For her 16th birthday today she just wanted to go and get pampered so I gave her some money and dropped her off with her friends.

"Aight Pop it's just me and you today, what you want to eat" I asked him.

"Donnas dada" he said.

I looked back at him.

"Aight we can get McDonald's" I said.

I stopped and picked Jay up since he wanted to hang with us for the day.

We went to McDonald's and ate inside.

"You happy you having a daughter this time" Jay asked me.

"Yea man she finna be spoiled like Tiara" I said.

"Man dad used to spoil her all the time" Jay said.

I nodded.

"He called me yesterday" he said.

"Who" I asked.

"Dad" he said.

"For what" I asked confused.

"He just wanted to see how I was doing and he told me he loved me" he shrugged.

"You know I always got you right" I asked.

"Yea" he said.

I nodded and we did our handshake.

After we ate we went to the trampoline park and I played with Jay and Titan and I showed Jay some new flips.

I used to flip all the time growing up and I still could but I didn't do it as much.

After an hour of jumping we left.

"I gotta go get Tierra" I said to Jay as we went to my car.

He nodded.

I got Titan in the car and then Jay got in.

I got in the car too and we left. I got me and Jay some ice cream since Titan had fallen asleep like I knew he would.

We pulled up to the salon and Tierra was walking outside.

I got out while Jay climbed into the back and I helped her in the car.

"Hey boog" she said to Jay.

"Hey Nicki" he said as I closed her door.

I got in the car.

"How was it" I asked. 

"Oh my God my feet feel so good. They had the chair and I let it massage my back a little too" she said.

I nodded glad she was able to relax. I rubbed her belly as I drove.

"I want a pickle" she said.

"Aight imma go by the deli" I said.

She nodded.

I pulled up.

"Jay you want something" I asked.

"Yea some skittles and a sprite" he said.

"Aight" I said.

"Lock this door when I get out" I said to Tierra.

"Okay" she said.

I kissed her lips and got out.

I heard her lock the door and I went inside. I dapped up Elliot his dad owns the store and he'd been working here since he was little.

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