26. Birth Control

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June 15th

Tierra POV

"Okay ms Jackson I'll see you every month on the 11th for your monthly shot" my doctor said.

"And I will be here every time" I said and she laughed.

After my appointment I left having to go get Taj from work.

I got a phone call and saw it was my little sister so I answered.

"Hey" I said.

"Can you come get me" she said.

"Where are you, you okay" I asked.

"I'm at home bored I already asked mommy and she said yea" she said.

"Okay I have to go get Taj first and then we'll come get you" I said.

"Okay just hurry up" she said.

"Girl" I said.

"Wait Tiara is calling I'll see you when you come" she said.

"Go head" I said and she hung up.

I rolled my eyes she's only 11 but acted like she was 21.

I made it to the gym and called Taj and let him know I was here. I scrolled on Instagram waiting for him to come out.

I heard a knock on the window and I looked seeing Taj.

I opened the door and we shared a kiss and I got in on the passenger side as he got on the drivers side.

"How was the appointment you not pregnant again are you" he asked laughing.

"Don't play like that and no I'm back on my birth control. They got me on a monthly shot for the next 2 years and I can't miss any appointments" I said.

"If I gotta call off every time to bring you I will" he said laughing.

"What, not you don't want anymore kids" I said sarcastically.

"I love them but they asses expensive. Queenie went through damn near 5 boxes of diapers already and she only 4 months" he said.

"That's cause you change her diapers every five seconds. The diaper has a line to let you know when she peed and needs to be changed" I said.

"She don't pee like Titan did his ass used to piss out the diaper so we had to change him. She does a little pee but I don't want her to be laying in no pissy diaper" he said.

I laughed rolling my eyes.

"Not too much on my baby" I said.

"Oh we gotta go get Mika she wants to come over" I added.

"I know Tiara just called me telling me Mika needs to be picked up" he said.

"They probably been planned this shit" I said pulling out my phone to take some selfies.

I had my curly hair in a messy bun and I had on some cotton shorts a crop top paired with some slides.

Even though everyone told me my body wouldn't snap back after Heiress it did. I was a little thicker especially my ass and boobs now but I still had a pretty slim shape and my stomach was back small.

Taj mom says it's probably because I cheer and used to run track so I may have to be a few more kids in to really see more of a difference.

"I guarantee they did" he said.

"I have to wash Papas hair this weekend. I was gonna take him up to the shop to do it but I think I may go to my moms and do it since she wants to see them" I said.

"When we gone do his first cut his second birthday almost here" Taj said.

"I know I was thinking let him get an edge up and just trimming it down a little I'm not cutting all of my babies hair" I said looking at him as I put my phone in my lap.

"I ain't say cut it all off but he definitely need an edge up now. Shit I need one too" he said pulling down his visor looking at himself.

"It's almost time for you to get your hair redone" I said to him.

He had his go to style in, just two cornrows.

"Yea you gone do them tonight or after I get my cut" he asked.

"If your children let me I can do them tonight" I said.

"It be Titan because Heiress just be chillin" he said.

"No you got her spoiled and always wanting to be held" I said to him.

He sucked his teeth.

"She supposed to be held as much as she want" he said.

I rolled my eyes.

She was only 4 months and already had him wrapped around her little fingers.

We went and got Mika.

"Can we get some pizza and wings" she said from the back seat.

"Girl yo mama ain't feed you" I asked.

"Jay just told me to ask, look" she said holding her phone out.

I didn't have my first phone til I was able to afford my own phone bill but I wasn't hating I was glad my mom was able to do for Mika what she ain't do for me and Ty.

"Y'all got a group chat" I said seeing the message.

"Yea it's called three musketeers" she said smiling.

"Y'all extra" I said smiling giving her back the phone.

"Tell Jay give me some pizza money" Taj joked.

"Imma drop you off with them and then we gone go get the pizza" Taj said to her.

"Okay thank you" Mika said sitting back.

We dropped her off.

The kids were home with Taj mom and his siblings since she was off.

"You don't think we should bring the kids" I asked watching Mika go in the house.

"They with they aunts and uncle right now and that's how they finna pay us back" he said pulling off once Mika went inside the house.

"You would say some shit like that. I'm happy they are all close like that though" I said.

"Yea" Taj said rubbing his hand up and down my thigh.

"So yo birth control good now right" he asked glancing at me as he drove.

"Yes" I said.

"Aight" he said.

I called in an order for the food so it'd be ready or almost ready when we got there.

"They said it's gonna be a 20 minute wait" I said to him.

"Aight" he said and pulled up to an empty parking lot.

"What you doing" I asked placing my phone on my lap.

"We finna put this birth control to work" he said cutting off the car.

"Taj" I said.

He got out and I watched him go in his trunk. He came back with a visor in his hand.

"You serious right now" I said when he started putting it up.

"Yea fix that side" he said.

I just looked at him.

"Tierra come on we got 20 minutes and you know with all them in the house we ain't gone be able to do shit " he said.

I fixed the visor cause he was right. Now staying with his mom and having our two kids and his siblings all in one house it was hard to find time for us to do anything.

I climbed onto his lap.

"Shit yo ass playing" he said squeezing my butt.

"Shut up we only got 20 minutes" I said kissing him as I rested my hands on his shoulders.

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