68. Mikas Legal

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"I know fat man, I know ya mama is coming with your food" I said as I held Kingston.

Tierra was in the shower so we could get ready to go and she thought she'd have enough time to shower before the baby woke up.

"Daddy he being a baby" Tahir said as he stood up on the bed beside me.

"You used to cry like this if not more" I said to him.

He shook his head.

"Uhn uhn" he said.

"G you don't remember" I said to him.

"I remember" he said.

"What you remember" I asked sucking my teeth.

"Because daddy I do" he said.

I shook my head.

Tierra came out in a towel.

"I'm coming schnuk" she said walking over.

I could tell she was exhausted.

This past few weeks I've been getting shit straight with our new money and my business and she's been dealing more with the kids while I was out doing that.

"I was gonna try and make a bottle but we don't have any formula" I said to her.

She walked over as she pulled a breast out and took him from me.

I watched as he immediately latched on like his ass was starving.

"I know I don't want him on formula right now and I haven't had time to really sit and try to put some milk up for him. Tahir go get your clothes so you can get dressed" she ranted.

"I wait for you mommy" he said.

"I got him" I said getting off the bed picking him up.

"Tierra" I said as I stood beside her.

She looked up at me.

"I love you" I said.

She sighed.

"I love you too" she said.

I immediately felt guilty like I was failing her as not just her husband but her partner in all this.

I left out the room with Tahir and I got him dressed. I made sure Heiress and Titan got dressed and then I had them sit downstairs in the living room and I gave them each a fruit snack and juice box and let them watch tv.

"Tahir don't leave from this couch" I said to him.

"Okay" he said looking at the tv.

I nodded and started to leave.

"Daddy" I heard Heiress say so I turned around and looked at her.

"Yes" I asked.

"I love you" she said smiling.

I smiled to she didn't even know I needed to hear that shit and see her genuine smile.

I went over and kissed her head.

"I love you too" I said.

I went upstairs and Tierra was burping the baby.

"I got him go ahead and get dressed" I said taking him.

"Okay are the kids ready because we're late" she said.

"Yea they good" I said.

She nodded and put his spit up blanket which is the blanket he came from the hospital with on my shoulder and then she went into the closet.

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