45. Gender Reveal

13 1 0

Dec 7th


"Y'all like some damn rabbits" Ty said dapping me up.

I laughed.

We were at mrs Tamis to do a gender reveal to see what sex the baby is.

"Okay everyone gather around we're about to do the reveal" mrs Tami said.

"Ma come on it's cold" Tierra said.

"Y'all won't getting that shit in my house" her mom said.

Tierra rolled her eyes.

I held Heiress so she could hold the balloon with me after crying to hold it.

Titan held a popper.

"Ready" mrs Tami said.

I looked around seeing our family holding their phone up.

"3..2..1 it's a" mrs Tami said and Tierra and I popped the balloon.

"It's a boy" Tierra said smiling.

I smiled too.

"It won't work" Titan said.

Tierra helped him.

"It's blue" he said excited.

"You're getting a brother Papa" Tierra said to him.

"A brother" he asked.

"Yea big man" I said and he smiled.

We shared a pound.

People came up and congratulated us and took pictures with us.

"Mamas you're getting a brother" Tierra said to Heiress.

"Girl she don't care" Trinity said.

I kissed my babies cheek she was more focused on the popper Titan gave me that I let her hold.

We all went inside and ate some baby shower type foods. People gifted us diapers, bottles and wipes.

Which I'm glad because that shit ain't cheap. After hanging around for a few hours we left. It's Tierras birthday weekend and she didn't want to do anything but watch movies and eat snacks.

I took her to a nice fancy dinner on her actual birthday and got her a new jewelry set from the kids and I.

We've created a budget for us to save more and she was on my ass about that shit. We still had baby stuff to get and she was just all over the place hormonally.

I sat on the couch rubbing Tierras feet. The kids were in there rooms for their nap so it was just the two of us up.

"He already got your feet swelling a little" I said.

"I know that's why I got me another pair of uggs so I can switch off because most of my shoes are uncomfortable to wear right now" she said.

I kissed her foot.  

"So what name you got" I asked.

She pulled out her phone "so I want him to have the middle names Julez that would've been wether he was a boy or girl" she said.

"How you spelling it" I asked.

"J-U-L-E-Z" she said.

"Okay and any first names" I asked.

"Um I found a list of a few I like so Talan, Titus, Tamir, Tahir, Trayvon" she listed.

"Wait what's the one before the last one" I asked.

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