31. Daddys Home

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Jan 27th


I picked up Titan as he ran to me when I walked inside my moms house.

"I missed you so much Pop" I said kissing the side of his head. 

"Toots look" my mom said pointing to me.  

Heiress was standing up at the table and she looked at my mom and at me.

"Dada" she said excited.  

I looked over at my baby as she held her hands up and I walked towards her and she started taking her first steps to me.

I stopped and looked at her.

"Not she walking for you" Tierra said surprised.

"Daddy she walking" Titan said.

I kneeled down and she came to me and I picked her up.

"I missed you fat mamas" I said kissing her cheek repeatedly.

"It's only been three months but y'all got so big what the fuck" I said kissing Titans head.

"I big boy daddy" Titan said.

"Yea you are big man, were you good for mommy" I asked him.

He nodded.

Tierra walked over smiling and we shared two kisses.

"You happy daddy's home" she asked Titan.

"Yes" he said to her.

She rubbed his back.

"Dada" Heiress said pointing to me.

"Yea you see your daddy" Tierra said and Heiress laid her head on my shoulder.

"Man I missed y'all" I said kissing Tierra again. 

I went and took a quick shower Heiress crying when I got out. I knew I was gonna have to chill with her for a while before I go back to work.

Later that night

"Her crib still has to be built so her and Titan have been sleeping in bed with me" Tierra said as I put Heiress clothes on since we just got them out the tub.

"She really don't need it" I said.

"What" she asked.

"G she can sleep with us" I said.

"Taj you got time tomorrow so that crib needs to go up" she said putting Titan in his.

I sucked my teeth.

I picked my baby up.

"Dada" she said rubbing her eyes.

"You ready to go to sleep mamas" I asked holding her.

She laid her head on my shoulder.

"I took them to the park for a little earlier" Tierra said walking over.

I kissed her lips.

"That's why they ass tired and they ain't take a nap" I said.

"I know" she said. We shared another kiss.

I wrapped my free arm around her and she wrapped her arms around me.

"I missed y'all so much. That phone shit won't enough" I said.

"We missed you too" she yawned.

I kissed the top of her head a few times.

"Come on so we can get in bed" I said and she nodded.

We got in bed and I had Heiress laid on my chest and my other arm wrapped around Tierra as she laid up against me.

I felt her put her leg over mine.

"I missed your warmth" she said intertwining her legs with mine.

I kissed her head.

I felt like I could finally get some good sleep. I barely slept inside there it was uncomfortable and I missed my family.

I don't ever take shit like this for granted.

"I love you" I said to Tierra.

"I love you too" she said looking up at me.

I kissed her lips twice and then she got back comfortable.

I looked down at my baby and she was asleep so peacefully. Tierra told me most nights Heiress cried herself to sleep but sleeping with my shirts helped a little but I knew my baby needed skin-to-skin like we did since she was born.

Next Day

"Hm" I said feeling someone tapping me.

I looked and saw Tierra standing beside me.

"Yea" I said.

"Are you gonna give me a ride to school or do you want me to take the car" she asked.

"I'll take you" I said. 

"Okay I'm about to get ready" she said.

"Aight" I said.

She went to walk away but I grabbed her hand.

She looked at me confused.

"Where my kiss at I know it's been three months but damn" I said.

She rolled her eyes and kissed my lips twice and I let her go smacking her ass before she walked away.

She went in the bathroom closing the door.

I wiped my hand across my face and got up carefully and I placed Heiress on the bed and I put some pillows around her and then I went into the bathroom.

I watched Tierra step in the shower while I went and pissed. After I washed my hand and brushed my teeth.

She was still in the shower and I wanted to catch her before she got out. So I skipped washing my face and saved that for the shower and I got in the shower with her.

I wrapped my arms around her as she stood under the water rinsing off.

I kissed her shoulder a few times.

"Taj you gonna make me late" she said.

"Not that late" I whispered in her ear.

I could almost feel the chills that sent through her body.

"Daddy missed you mama" I said rubbing the side of her legs.

She turned around to me and placed her hands on my neck.

"Taj I don't want you away from us like that again" she said.

"I know and I'm sorry they caught me with that lil shit on me" I said.

"You barely smoke so what the fuck you have that on you for and at school of all places. You know how they been lately" she said.

I rubbed up and down her ass.

"I know but I had just copped so I could roll up after" I said.

She shook her head.

I kissed her neckline and looked at her.

"I don't never want to leave y'all again" I said.

She pulled my face to her and kissed my lips. I picked her up and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Ever since you been working out more you been showing the fuck out" she said laughing.

"Damn right that's what I do it for" I said placing her back up against the wall.

She looked down between us feeling my hard dick.

"Go head" I said when she looked at me.

She looked me in my eyes and grabbed me and put me at her entrance I slowly slid in.

"Fuck" I said once I was completely in her.

She pulled my face to her and we made out and I started to deeply penetrate her.

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