张芸京 ~ Love Rises With The Wind (爱随风起)

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Song from Sword And Fairy

Zhang Yun Jing: Nǐ kàn tiānkōng luòyè rú yǔ
Shì wǒ sànluò wàn qiān de ài yì
Wúfǎ kuàguò de jùlí shì sùmìng
是我散落 万千的爱意
无法跨过的距离 是宿命
Look at the falling leaves in the sky like rain
It's my love that is scattered thousands of times
The distance that can't be crossed is fate

Gēnzhe nǐ shēnyǐng chuānguò wànlǐ
Xiàng fēiniǎo zhuīzhe yún dào tiānjì
Mángmáng rén hǎizhōng zhǐ yīyǎn biàn lúnxiàn yú nǐ
Xīn bùyóu de xiàng nǐ kàojìn qiú yuánmǎn jiéjú
跟着你身影 穿过万里
茫茫人海中只一眼 便沦陷于你
心不由的向你靠近 求圆满结局
Following your figure, I travel thousands of miles
Like a bird chasing clouds to the sky
In the vast sea of ​​people, I fall in love with you at a glance
My heart can't help but get closer to you, hoping for a happy ending

Rúguǒ ài shì suí fēng ér qǐ wǒ gāi rúhé cáinéng píngxí
Pīn jìn quánlì bùnéng hé nǐ chóngdié zhè guǐjī
Nǐ kàn tiānkōng luòyè rú yǔ shì wǒ sànluò
Wàn qiān de ài yì wúfǎ kuàguò de jùlí shì sùmìng
如果爱是随风而起 我该如何 才能平息
拼尽全力不能和你 重叠这轨迹
你看天空落叶如雨 是我散落 
万千的爱意 无法跨过的距离 是宿命
If love rises with the wind, how can I calm it down
I tried my best but couldn't overlap this trajectory with you
You see the leaves falling from the sky like rain, they are scattered by me
Thousands of loves, the distance that can't be crossed is fate

Suízhe nǐ hénjī xúnmì hǎidǐ
Xiàng yú er yóu rù shēn hǎilǐ
Qiānyán wàn yǔ lǐ zhǐ yījù jiù chénlún yú nǐ
Pāoqì suǒyǒu zhǐ wèi xúnzhǎo nǐ qiú yuánmǎn jiéjú
随着你痕迹 寻觅海底 
千言万语里只一句 就沉沦于你
抛弃所有只为寻找你 求圆满结局
Following your traces, searching for the bottom of the sea
Like a fish swimming into the deep sea
The thousands of words, only one sentence will sink me into you
Abandoning everything just to find you, seeking a happy ending

Rúguǒ ài shì suí fēng ér qǐ wǒ gāi rúhé cáinéng píngxí
Pīn jìn quánlì bùnéng hé nǐ chóngdié zhè guǐjī
Nǐ kàn tiānkōng luòyè rú yǔ shì wǒ sànluò
Wàn qiān de ài yì wúfǎ kuàguò de jùlí shì sùmìng
如果爱是随风而起 我该如何 才能平息
拼尽全力不能和你 重叠这轨迹
你看天空落叶如雨 是我散落
万千的爱意 无法跨过的距离 是宿命
If love rises with the wind, how can I calm it down
I tried my best but couldn't overlap this trajectory with you
You see the leaves falling from the sky like rain, they are scattered by me
Thousands of loves, the distance that can't be crossed is fate

Rúguǒ ài shì suí fēng ér qǐ wǒ gāi rúhé cáinéng píngxí
Pīn jìn quánlì bùnéng hé nǐ chóngdié zhè guǐjī
Nǐ kàn tiānkōng luòyè rú yǔ shì wǒ sànluò
Wàn qiān de ài yì wúfǎ kuàguò de jùlí shì sùmìng
如果爱是随风而起 我该如何 才能平息
拼尽全力不能和你 重叠这轨迹
你看天空落叶如雨 是我散落
万千的爱意 无法跨过的距离 是宿命
If love rises with the wind, how can I calm it down
I tried my best but couldn't overlap this trajectory with you
You see the leaves falling from the sky like rain, they are scattered by me
Thousands of loves, the distance that can't be crossed is fate

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